A-Level and AS-Levels are internationally recognised Cambridge International examinations that are designed to test the academic abilities of students and prepare them for further study at top local and international universities.
The AS (Advanced Subsidiary) students achieved an exceptional 80 subject distinctions across different subjects.
Nine students achieved above 90% in a subject, with the top performer, Luka Joubert, achieving 90% for four out of five subjects. Luka has been provisionally accepted to study actuarial science at the University of Stellenbosch this year.
The second highest AS-Level achiever, Sarah Webber, received a notation from Cambridge International on her AS Level French result, quoted as “With Distinction in Speaking”, confirming her excellence in the subject. She has already received conditional offers from the University of Stellenbosch.
The Class of 22 had one A-Level student, whose remarkable story of courage and tenacity saw him achieving over 90% for two of his three subjects, against considerable odds. Daniel Bovim, achieved good results throughout his high school years.
Commenting on his future plans, Daniel says: “I’m very excited to have heard back from the University of Stellenbosch, who have given me a conditional acceptance to study chemical engineering and the residence of my choice, as well as a conditional offer for a bursary. I was very happy to receive all this great news and I’m looking forward to the next four years of studying there.”
Barry Nieuwoudt, executive head of Reddam House Durbanville, says: “It is always with great anticipation that the results are downloaded from the Cambridge International site, and this year we are proud to receive the confirmation of our students' excellence.
“Their results are testament to the stories we have witnessed over the last year of the hard work and effort that led to excellent improvement in individual student subject results.
“We wish them the very best as they begin their lives outside of school.”
Ravi Nadasen, CEO of Inspired Education Group Africa says: “Congratulations to the Class of 22 and to the parents and teachers who have supported, mentored, guided and nurtured the students in their journey to achieving excellence.”
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