Cape Argus News

Seniors still have much to offer, say U3A members

Phiri Cawe|Published

Primrose Mki, Linda Mothibi, Patricia Ndleleni, Jenny Ngewu-Mayambela, Marry Rashalala, Nomonde Mama, Asanda Qoyi and Xoliswa Mthethelwa with Felicia Ngewu seated in front.

Members of Gugulethu's University of the Third Age (U3A) exhibited some of their knitted goods, bead work and other handiwork at their local library last week. 

U3A is an international moment that encourages continued learning among senior citizens.

Linda Mothibi, one of the members of the Gugulethu club said it was started to help the community's seniors fight off loneliness through a range of activities that include sewing, baking, knitting gardening, hiking and visits to the theatre.

"Most of us are people who worked before and find ourselves at home with nothing to do. We have been used to working, going out and being active. But after retirement, we get lazy and lonely. This project helps us to be together and run away from our grandchildren’s mischief," she said.

Being part of a club was a great way for seniors to meet other people and reduce stress, she said.

Another member, Jenny Ngewu-Mayambela, said seniors had much to offer their communities.

“Seniors are experienced people who know a lot.These are people that should not just sit at home but be part of the clubs for their health. We are experiencing funny things that were not there when we grew up. We have never seen such crimes and disrespect of senior people. That is why some die after retirement. For them to be stress free, they need to come together with others, chat, play and make whatever they want."