The hazardous tree in the yard of a home in Greenpoint. Picture: Supplied
A GREENPOINT family has been embroiled in a months-long battle with the Sol Plaatje Municipality over the removal of a hazardous tree from their yard.
The tree's roots have caused significant cracks in the house's walls, and the family is now worried that if the tree falls, it could destroy their home.
Despite repeated attempts to seek assistance from the municipality, the family’s efforts have been in vain, even though the house belongs to the municipality.
The family said that teams of municipal workers have arrived at their home on multiple occasions, only to make empty promises.
Gregory van der Linde, a member of the family, decided to take matters into his own hands. He hired a private contractor to remove the tree. However, despite paying R2,000 for the job, the contractor could only trim the branches. The presence of electric wires entangled among the branches prevented the complete removal of the tree.
The municipality’s teams have also failed to deliver results. One team arrived in March with six people, but they claimed they couldn’t work until the electrical team disconnected the power - an action that never materialised.
Another team, just before the elections, promised to return the next day but cited a lack of trucks and machinery as an excuse. Their subsequent disappearance left the family disillusioned.
“A third team arrived on July 2 and promised to return during the week as they were waiting for their duty bakkie to be fixed. This time we really believed them as we felt they won’t continue to waste municipal resources and their own time to come and lie to us for a third time. But they proved us wrong,” said a frustrated Van Der Linde.
“Our biggest concern,” he emphasised, “is what will happen if this tree falls. It could tear our entire house apart.”
Efforts to obtain a comment from the municipality have been unsuccessful, leaving the Greenpoint family in a precarious situation as they grapple with the looming threat posed by the hazardous tree.