A Reddit user’s friend still plays with her toys, but it annoys the stuffing out of her. Picture: Cottonbro Studio/ Pexels
As kids, most of us had that one toy, be it a doll or a stuffed animal, that we simply couldn't be without.
But like all childhood things, we outgrow them as soon as we hit our teens.
However, this 31-year-old Reddit user’s 30-year-old friend hasn’t.
While the woman doesn’t seem to have a problem with her friend’s love for her stuffed animals, she does, however, have an issue with her pretending that they are in fact real.
“She has a collection of stuffed toys, some from childhood and some she's bought throughout her life. I don't think there's anything wrong with this, I still have my stuffed toy from when I was a child,” shares the concerned friend.
She adds that the friend still plays with her toys and even plays with them when she has other friends over and forces them to interact with the stuffed animals.
“For example, recently we were talking about our mutual friend's hen night (bachelorette party), which is happening in Sweden, and discussing which airline to fly over with. She then took one of her toys (a stuffed eagle) and said ‘X can just fly us there’ and started miming flying. I laughed at this and took it as a joke because whatever, it's a quirk, but then she put the stuffed animal on my knee and said, ‘Tell (the stuffed eagle) he can take us there’,” she adds.
If that wasn’t odd enough, she had a more recent experience with her friend that annoyed the stuffing out of her.
“Last night I went round to hers because I was mugged over Easter and it's shaken me up and I wanted to talk to her about it. I go over and we order a takeaway and start talking and I start telling her what happened, and she immediately grabs a stuffed toy (a bear), and goes ‘Bear will GET THEM’ I just ignored that, and then she goes ‘Do you want bear to get them?’.
“I didn't ‘snap’, but I said, ‘Sorry, can we have a conversation without the stuffed toys please?’ She then said, ‘What stuffed toys? He's a real bear.’
“And I said, ‘No it's not, it's a stuffed toy, and I could really use a proper conversation’,” added the riled up Reddit user.
According to the user, her friend got upset and stopped talking to her.
Now she’s asking other users if she’s an a**hole for saying something.
“I feel like I said it in a not nasty way, and I don't think it's too much to ask for a 10-minute conversation without any toys,” she concludes.
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