Reduce harms posed by social Media on risk for eating disorders: An open letter to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other social media

Published Nov 3, 2021


We write today to implore you to take swift, decisive, and transparent action to reduce the harms posed by social media on some of your most vulnerable users—those struggling with disordered eating and those who may be at risk.

As members of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) -an international association committed to eating disorders research, education, treatment, and prevention - we are acutely aware of the complex ways in which social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok can adversely affect users at risk for disordered eating.

We acknowledge that social media is a powerful tool with potential to connect its users globally and spread positive, empowering messages for recovery. However, the preponderance of evidence points to detrimental effects of these platforms on those at risk for or already suffering from negative body image, eating concerns, and/or depressed mood. We contend that mere corporate awareness of these harms and covert efforts to “fix the problem” is inadequate and unacceptable. In the case of eating disorders—second only to opioid use disorders in terms of their lethality—we cannot afford complacency or opacity.

Eating disorders affect an estimated 28.8 million individuals in the United States, with millions more suffering globally. Although these disorders affect individuals of all ages, genders, racial and ethnic backgrounds, they often begin during adolescence, thus they affect a key demographic that uses social media platforms frequently.

The Covid-19 pandemic has only increased the prevalence and severity of these illnesses, causing increased fear and isolation—conditions under which eating disorders thrive, and for which social media may provide a false refuge or sense of connection. Moreover, eating disorders can be characterized by limited insight into the severity of the disorder and its devastating medical effects.

These factors make individuals with eating disorders particularly susceptible to the pernicious messaging of pro-eating disorder content that pervades social media platforms. Indeed, research evidence concludes that social media usage is associated with increased body image concerns and engagement in disordered eating behaviours, and that these relationships strengthen over time with continued use.

Social media has devastating effects on users with existing eating disorders who engage with the platforms. Abigail Matthews, PhD, MHA, is the clinical director of the Eating Disorders Program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, manages an inpatient eating disorder treatment program for youth and young adults who require hospitalization for medical complications of eating disorders.

Speaking from her clinical experience, Dr. Matthews states, “Unfortunately, it's very common for my patients to talk about the negative impact of social media on body image and self-esteem. When on these platforms, they are infiltrated with images of their peers who appear to have it ‘all’—perfect bodies and perfect lives. As most of us know, many images on social media are doctored with filters and editing tools, so the bodies portrayed are unrealistic and unachievable. My patients describe engaging in negative social comparisons with people portrayed on social media, feeling inadequate in comparison to these ‘perfect’ peers, and sometimes end up feeling like a failure.”

In turn, this may fuel the eating disorder and push them deeper into the throes of the illness. In light of recent reports that platform algorithms can rapidly and permanently flood users’ accounts with content promoting disordered eating and extreme dieting, we write with an urgent request to corporate leadership at social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, to take immediate action to modify your platforms to stop these harms.

Regardless of whether these effects are intended, they are real and known. Therefore, we believe you now have a responsibility to minimize harm, an opportunity to reverse course, and a chance to promote positive and supportive messaging for your most vulnerable users. To this end, we put forth the following requests to improve your platforms and stop the pervasive, deadly effects of eating disorder-promoting content:

Increase transparency around the algorithms that guide users toward specific types of content, and more importantly, display community guidelines for appropriate content in plain language in an easily-accessed location within the platform. Public knowledge of how these algorithms can lead to problematic messaging is a good first step toward empowering community members to report disallowed content and reverse its effects.

Build easy-access user paths into social media platforms, through which users may report content that is inconsistent with platform guidelines. Platform designers must be responsible for moderating content according to community guidelines. At the same time, users should also be empowered to assist with this process if and when desired. Further, they may identify content overlooked by existing algorithms.

Direct more resources and funding toward AI-based identification and removal of malicious and eating disorder-promoting accounts and content, as well as those that stigmatize individuals living in larger bodies. Current profit margins should allow for ample room to bolster existing resources and/or build new infrastructure to tackle these problems in a more comprehensive way.

Cease the development of an Instagram for users 13-years-old and younger. There is no demonstrated need for a social media platform for this age demographic. Further, given recommendations from authoritative bodies to minimize screen time and limit social media use particularly for younger children and preadolescents, the introduction of such a platform would be counterproductive for healthy childhood development.

Solicit guidance from expert organizations like the AED to ensure these safeguards are well-suited to tackle the problem in a way that is well-aligned with the needs of the target at risk The goal of the AED is to provide global access to knowledge, research, and best treatment practice for eating disorders. Our worldwide network of experts can contribute unique insight into these challenges.

Pre-register future studies on the impacts of social media usage on eating disorders, and disseminate the results to the public in a timely manner. The scientific field increasingly moves toward an open science framework, in which planned study methods are publicly specified in advance, and results are made easily accessible after study completion. To the extent that social media corporations’ user research involves conclusions about the effects of its platforms on user well-being, these results should be shared widely with current and potential users.

Social media is an integral thread in the fabric of our global community. It will likely continue to evolve and transform our world. When designed and deployed with thought and care, it can be used as a tool to promote health, well-being, and justice for all. By taking the above actions, we firmly believe that your platforms can move in that direction, becoming part of a solution and not contributing to the problem. We welcome an ongoing dialogue to work toward this goal.


Members of the Academy for Eating Disorders