Green Point’s ‘hit’ drama: Slashed tyres saga escalates to ‘hired killers’

Gary Trappler. Pic: GroundUp

Gary Trappler. Pic: GroundUp

Published Dec 10, 2023


A prominent attorney in Green Point, embroiled in a legal dispute with a former neighbour, has taken to hiring bodyguards, wearing a bulletproof vest and employing other security measures after what he said was a tip-off of a hit on his life and that of the advocate defending him in the criminal case.

Gary Trappler, who is accused of slashing the tyres of former neighbour Thandi Mgwaba, is currently appearing in the Cape Town District Court on charges of malicious damage to property. The case has been postponed to January next year.

Trappler said the informant told him that Mgwaba had hired friends to kill him and his advocate for R300 000.

The advocate, who doesn’t want to be named, said she had also received the same message warning her that would-be assassins from East London had been hired to kill her for a fee of R300 000.

She and her dog have since left her home and were living with a colleague. She has also not returned to her offices .

“I was advised by a security expert that I should take the threat seriously. I was supposed to go to court on a pro bono matter, but I couldn’t, because of how serious this threat is.”

Trappler said he was contacted via a WhatsApp message by a person (identity known) who advised him that he lived in East London and knew of the matter in which Mgwabe was the complainant.

In an affidavit that he drew up, which forms part of the complaint he laid with the police, Trappler said the informant advised him by WhatsApp that three people had been hired in East London to “make a hit on me as well as my advocate”.

“Also by WhatsApp message, he stated that three people are coming to Cape Town next week to execute the hit. He requested that I call him. “He stated that he has no interest in the matter other that to tip me off and protect me as a family man himself.

“This morning, I spoke to my advocate and she advised that she had received similar messages from the same person. Also, that she was alarmed and that she would take the matter up with the police.”

The latest twist in this saga stems from an incident on February 19, 2020, when Mgwaba laid a complaint against Trappler.

She accused him of slashing the tyres of her car which had been parked near her residence at 10 Sydney Road, Toronga Mansions, Green Point.

Mgwaba asserted at the time that Trappler’s actions were racially motivated because she was a black woman and Trappler indicated to her children that he did not want black people living there.

She then got EFF councillor Mbulelo Dwane involved who, according to Trappler, came to his house and office, threatened him and demanded money for the slashed tyres.

“In my office and in front of my staff he demanded R2 000 and Uber fees.”

Trappler denied Mgwaba’s version of what transpired on the day of the tyres incident. He said as a member of the Community Policing Forum in Green Point, he was alerted to a suspicious car parked close to his house. He went to investigate with his torch.

He saw that the tyres of the car had been deflated. He said while he was checking it out, Mgwaba came to the car and accused him of slashing the tyres and laid a charge with the police.

“I was like street captain and that was my job.”

CCTV footage later showed Trappler approaching the car. Trappler insisted that the footage only showed him approaching the car and did not show him slashing the tyres.

Trappler said the case against him was initially withdrawn but due to political pressure it was reinstated as the EFF, ANC and the GOOD Party got involved.

Dwane denied that he threatened Trappler or tried to get money from him.

“He was the one who offered money, but I said no don’t give her money, go to the tyre shop and buy her the tyres.”He said he heard from Mgwaba and other neighbours that Trappler’s actions were racially motivated.

Dwane was shocked to hear of the allegations of the hit.

“That man is mad. Judging by how Thandi looks, she doesn’t have that R300 000. She won’t have that money, she drives an old Golf,” he said

Mgwaba, who stays in KwaZulu-Natal, said somebody showed her an article in an online newsletter with the allegations.

“I saw the article and I’m so mad because I’m not that type of a person. I don’t know anybody from the Eastern Cape. I don’t even have that R300 000. I don’t know what is going on with that man. Really, I don’t know what he wants from me.

“I was waiting for the police because I saw it is written there that he opened a case with the police. I think it is very good, because he slashed my tyres and I have video footage. I was at the court on 23 and 24 November and this came after I’ve been to court.”

Mgwaba said she would derive no benefit from having Trappler killed.

“How can I arrange a hit for R300 000 for tyres on a VW Golf that cost about R2 000. Does that make sense?”

[email protected]

Weekend Argus

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