Chinese delegation visit SA and share valuable experiences of State governance

Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC) and member of the Communist Party’s Central Committee, Mr. Liu Jianchao, during a dialogue with CPC delegation members and invited guests at the Chinese Consulate in Cape Town. Picture: Henk Kruger / Independent Media.

Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC) and member of the Communist Party’s Central Committee, Mr. Liu Jianchao, during a dialogue with CPC delegation members and invited guests at the Chinese Consulate in Cape Town. Picture: Henk Kruger / Independent Media.

Published Aug 3, 2024


Cape Town - A Chinese delegation is visiting South Africa as part of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The five-member CPC was led by the Minister of the International Department of the CPC.

A briefing and dialogue session was held on Friday with members of the media and representatives of think tanks in Cape Town.

The engagement was centred around the state governance experience of the CPC, and to give a briefing on the 3rd plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.

The three-hour long interactive session focused on Chinese modernisation: sharing opportunities with South Africa and the African continent held at the Chinese Consulate-General.

The delegation arrived in South Africa on Wednesday and leaves tomorrow.

The engagement was centred around the State governance experience of the CPC, and to give a briefing on the 3rd plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Picture Henk Kruger/Independent Newspapers

Secretary of Fengtai District Committee of Beijing Municipal Committee, Wang Shaofeng, detailed the aim of the party to ensure better services, education, and overall experience within the capital city.

“Innovation is the main driver for economic growth,” he said.

Shaofeng also outlined how they aim to have Beijing become an innovation hub.

Jianchao explained that BRICS countries play an important role in food security, energy corporation and financial corporation.

“I believe BRICS is already playing a bigger role on platforms such as G20, the world is now undergoing profound transformation. The most important feature of this transformation is the Rising global corporation. SA is the leading country in Africa, so SA has a leading role to play.”

Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC) and member of the Communist Party’s Central Committee, Mr. Liu Jianchao, during a dialogue with CPC delegation members and invited guests at the Chinese Consulate in Cape Town. Picture: Henk Kruger / Independent Media.
Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC) and member of the Communist Party’s Central Committee, Mr. Liu Jianchao, during a dialogue with CPC delegation members and invited guests at the Chinese Consulate in Cape Town. Picture: Henk Kruger / Independent Media.
Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC) and member of the Communist Party’s Central Committee, Mr. Liu Jianchao, during a dialogue with CPC delegation members and invited guests at the Chinese Consulate in Cape Town. Picture: Henk Kruger / Independent Media.
Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC) and member of the Communist Party’s Central Committee, Mr. Liu Jianchao, during a dialogue with CPC delegation members and invited guests at the Chinese Consulate in Cape Town. (Left - Mr Chen Dawei and on the right is Mr Wang Shaofeng). Picture: Henk Kruger / Independent Media.

Touching in renewable energy solutions, Jianchao said: “This is a perfect time for Africa to form a strategy on renewable energy. We’re looking at introducing our renewable energy technology to SA. There is a bright future for Chinese corporation with SA.

UCT Internationalisation director, Quinton Johnson, led a discussion on education, internationalisation, AI and innovation.

“In 2008 when we were celebrating in Beijing the 10th anniversary of our political diplomatic relations between our countries and the Chinese government explained how you wish to connect to Africa, and those of us who have observed this over time, it is clear that you are connecting as you have promised to connect to Africa, in a win-win partnership oriental way.

“But my question about education as a key driver for the economy as a key driver for the modernisation of China and the revitalisation of Africa, as we try and build these win-win partnerships, what might his thoughts be about education and how we amplify, deepen it and how we strengthen it.”

Mr Huang Qingjie responded: “It is an important task for local government to ensure that education is properly provided and efficient, I can say that the ultimate purpose for education is to build morale among the people and to make sure they become useful...”

Mr Wu Peng, China's Ambassador to South Africa during a dialogue with CPC delegation members and invited guests at the Chinese Consulate in Cape Town. Picture: Henk Kruger / Independent Media.
Mr Wu Peng, China's Ambassador to South Africa during a dialogue with CPC delegation members and invited guests at the Chinese Consulate in Cape Town. Picture: Henk Kruger / Independent Media.

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