A crash and allegation of sex in a City vehicle

A crash and allegation of sex in a City vehicle. Pictures: Leon Knipe and supplied

A crash and allegation of sex in a City vehicle. Pictures: Leon Knipe and supplied

Published Dec 2, 2023


The City of Cape Town is investigating a crash involving a Law Enforcement officer on the M5 on Friday morning, amid allegations that he was engaging in sexual activity while driving a state vehicle.

A Weekend Argus source said motorists who stopped to help the officer were left stunned when they came across a half-naked woman in the passenger seat just seconds after the bakkie ploughed into a pole near Kenilworth.

A crash and allegation of sex in a City vehicle. Pictures: Leon Knipe and supplied

“It happened after 8am and the officer was driving in the fast lane. Motorists driving behind him saw him suddenly swerve to the left of the highway and he crashed into a pole but, luckily, other vehicles were able to avoid the crash.

“Motorists went running, thinking a police official needed their help but then they found something else. They found the woman with her pants and her panties down to her ankles. They tried to assist to see if she had injuries but she just got up and bolted.”

The source said stunned motorists watched as the woman ran along the highway, pulling up her pants.

“She ran all the way to the bridge at Access Park and just watched the entire time. We have no idea if it was his girlfriend or what but he was not wearing a uniform at the time.

“He immediately told everyone to mind their business and he did not want help, but the City should investigate this.

“It was clear they were busy with something sexual because to just lose control of a vehicle like that and the naked woman found on the scene can only mean one thing.”

A crash and allegation of sex in a City vehicle. Pictures: Leon Knipe and supplied

Shortly after the crash, traffic officials, along with Metro Police, were seen arriving on the scene as the bakkie was placed on a flat bed.

Law Enforcement spokesperson Wayne Dyason said the matter was being investigated.

“The City can confirm a motor vehicle accident involving a Law Enforcement vehicle on the M5 this morning. At this point, the circumstances surrounding the accident are under investigation.

A crash and allegation of sex in a City vehicle. Pictures: Leon Knipe and supplied

“The City is aware of the allegations; however, until witness statements have been collected, and the matter investigated, we are unable to comment on these allegations.”

Dyason said that with regard to disciplinary action against the officer, the City would follow all due processes “in line with the City’s policies and procedures”.

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