LOOK: A flying hotel? The ‘stupidest concept’ they’ve ever seen, say tweeps

File photo: According to a CNN travel report, a Yemeni engineer, Hashem Al-Ghaili, is the one who created the Sky Cruise concept video. Picture: Pexels

File photo: According to a CNN travel report, a Yemeni engineer, Hashem Al-Ghaili, is the one who created the Sky Cruise concept video. Picture: Pexels

Published Aug 10, 2022


Just when you think things can’t get any crazier and more advanced, a flying hotel that can, apparently, stay in the sky for years makes its way online and into our heads.

According to a CNN travel report, a Yemeni engineer, Hashem Al-Ghaili, is the one who created the Sky Cruise concept video.

The video highlights a futuristic design by artist Alexander Tujicov, stating that it's only a matter of time before this plan becomes a reality.

At this point, anything is possible, and many are pushing the ‘limits’. Al-Ghaili said that this is what he’s trying to do with this concept by pushing the boundaries of possibilities.

In addition, he told CNN he wants this concept to inspire others, to create that which will change the way we think about flying today.

Sky Cruise

Similar to Cruise ships, Sky Cruise is on an enormous scale. According to the report, it will have room for around 5,000 guests, and recreational facilities like cinemas, swimming pools, spas, and shopping malls.

To some, the idea seems doable and to others, not so much. The following tweet reads as follows: ‘’This is the stupidest concept I’ve ever seen. It would be prohibitively expensive to build, and if it was built, it couldn’t fly. If by an act of god, it was teleported into the sky, it would immediately crash back down to earth.’’

In addition, Al-Ghaili stated that Sky Cruise would run on clean nuclear fusion energy - technology that does not currently exist - which would allow "it to remain above the clouds for several years.’’

— Emma888 (@Emma4711) August 3, 2022

As seen in the above tweets, not many are keen on the idea, including Al Ghaili's 30 million followers on Facebook who are pointing out Sky Cruise's ‘fundamental design flaws’. But who knows, maybe some of us will be spending several years in a flying hotel one day.

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