6 tips on how to promote your B&B and make sure it gets noticed

Marketing is a great tool to help promote your B&B business. Picture: Unsplash

Marketing is a great tool to help promote your B&B business. Picture: Unsplash

Published Jan 25, 2023


Marketing your B&B as a property owner or manager is very importing if you’re planning to increase traffic to your property and make a profit.

The more people know about your accommodation, the greater the number of people booking their holidays with you thus increasing your bottom line.

In order for your business to thrive and for you to enjoy the full benefits that come with having a successful business, here are six easy ways to market your B&B business.

Make social media work for you

According to Tshepo Matlou, head of marketing and communications for local online booking platform, Jurni, if you aren’t already using Facebook and Instagram to promote your accommodation, do so immediately.

“It costs nothing and is an easily managed medium most people are familiar with. The golden rule? Post new updates fairly often, even if it is photos of a sunset view from your property, or a pretty picture of a sprig of lavender placed on pillows as a welcome gesture for guests who are checking in,” said Matlou.

Take beautiful photos of your property

Another thing to consider is to make sure that you have good photos of your property. “Visitors want to see what your B&B looks like from the outside, photos of the bedroom and bathroom they’ll be paying for, and any pictures of common areas like a sitting room or garden. Beautiful photos will entice people who are browsing places to book, whereas poor quality photos are a definite turn off,” he said.

Consider hiring a professional to take a few good shots for you, or, if you’re taking them yourself, read up online for tips on how to stage rooms and take great photos that will sell your property to potential customers.

Create a photo-worthy scene

Matlou also advises that you capitalise on guests doing your marketing for you since people love taking photos of themselves in a beautiful holiday setting and sharing hem with those back home or on their social media.

“Create an appealing photo-worthy scene in one of your main living spaces. It can be a stylish area with smart wallpaper and an ornamental mirror, a serene space in the garden or quirky corner at the entrance featuring something that resonates with the location you’re in, like a local artwork or an attractive grouping of photos of local landmarks,” he said.

Also make sure that you have Facebook and Instagram pages and keep a sign up at your front desk area with your social media profiles visible and request your guests to tag your property when they share their holiday images with friends and followers – it’s free marketing for you!

Leverage the power of larger players

According to Matlou, marketing your property properly can be time-consuming and costly, so it’s a great idea to partner with a business that already has a large audience that you want to reach and make your property visible to.

“To reach new audiences you need to create a digital profile and market your property online. It can be expensive to do this by yourself and requires a certain expertise, so it makes sense to team up with a larger online booking partner, who has already incurred digital, software and skills costs, to help you grow,” he said.

Form allies who will refer you

Jurni’s head of marketing also advises that you create a network and reach out to other guest houses in your area. “Just because there’s another B&B in the vicinity doesn’t mean you need to be competitive. Truth is, you’ll benefit more from having them as an ally who refers people to you when they are fully booked, for example. Remember, friends will send you business, enemies won’t,” said Matlou.

He also recommended that you also explore your neighbourhood for interesting shops and restaurants and introduce yourself and your property, and ask if they’ll allow you to leave cards or brochures for their customers to notice.

“While you’re at it, look to form strategic partnerships – offer to promote their small business to your guests in return for a discount exclusive to your B&B, such as that guests staying with you will get a free coffee at a café if they have a fully paid breakfast there,” he said.

Leverage your area

And finally, Matlou said that B&B owners should be clever about using everything available to them to market their property.

“It’s not just your B&B or guest house that is important to a potential visitor - there’s a reason they’ve left their home to come and stay in your area, so leverage what’s going on in your vicinity. Take or source photos of attractions, activities, or touristy sites close to you and include them in your profile to make your property even more attractive. Is there a beautiful park close by, or a vibrant weekend market, hiking trail, shopping mall, restaurant strip, or conference centre?”

Matlou said consider what your guests would like to visit or see, and highlight it in your marketing efforts and if there is any big event in your area, such as a marathon, concert, or big bike ride, use that event’s hashtag to promote your business.