3 reasons why you should consider a solocation

A solocation is when you go on a vacation alone. Picture: Daria Shevtsova/ Pexels

A solocation is when you go on a vacation alone. Picture: Daria Shevtsova/ Pexels

Published Jun 1, 2021


The idea always starts like this: create a WhatsApp group with friends and start planning a vacation. It can all be exciting at first. But, as the date approaches, people may begin to cancel.

It can be discouraging if everyone in the group opts to cancel the trip altogether, and you are left to travel solo. But going on a solocation might not be such a bad idea, after all.

To some people, taking a solocation may seem like a boring idea. We travel to create memories, among other things, so it's natural for them to wonder how they'll achieve that while travelling alone.

Picture: Josh Hild/ Pexels

Here are three reasons why you may want to consider going on a solocation:

There is plenty of room for adventure

When travelling as a group, there is usually a set itinerary intended to match everyone's interests. When you travel alone, you can be more flexible with your daily schedule. You have complete control over your adventure schedule. And you can also chop and change it as you see fit.

Solo travel will help you step outside of your comfort zone

When you travel alone, you'll have to put yourself out there. You'll have to interact with strangers and navigate the destination on your own at times. Who knows? You might even meet some new friends.

Improves your problem-solving skills

You'll be alone when confronted with a challenging situation, which means you'll have to think on your feet to come up with a solution. These situations could be anything from losing your phone to getting sick.

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