Woman’s delayed flight led to her helping a crying mother with two kids found in airport bathroom

A woman heard another woman crying in an airport bathroom and found a way to help her. Picture: Tim Mossholder Pexels

A woman heard another woman crying in an airport bathroom and found a way to help her. Picture: Tim Mossholder Pexels

Published Dec 29, 2022


There’s a bright side to everything, right? And one woman shared how a delayed flight helped her help a family in distress.

A Facebook post by Daily Dose of Kindness, a page dedicated to providing uplifting stories, recalls one woman’s encounter at an airport.

The woman, Cyn Symone, wrote: “I missed my first flight to LA yesterday and had to catch another. I was so upset, but now I know why!”

She found a mother sleeping at the airport with her kids in the bathroom. She had overheard a woman crying while waiting for her baggage.

“I was wondering if I should say something like, ‘It’s gonna be okay’, but I was nervous and she was speaking Spanish so I didn’t know if she’d even understand me,” she added.

Symone was wondering whether or not she should say something after leaving the bathroom and she eventually went back.

“I heard her say, ‘but the bus doesn’t come until tomorrow’, my heart dropped,” Symone wrote.

She immediately felt the need to help the woman and asked her if she had a form of cash app, but she didn’t.

The woman insisted to help the mother and asked if she could pay for a hotel stay.

“She stopped crying and opened the stall door and I saw the sleeping kids.” The picture provided in the post shows a woman and a child lying on a blanket on the cold tiled floors.

The woman got the family a room at the Marriott. She explained the joy of spending money to help someone, especially in the season of giving.

“I felt so happy to help her, knowing I’d just be spending my little money on bullsh*t,” Symone added.

Many may think that the woman didn’t have to make a post about it, but she explained why she felt it was needed.

She wrote: “I wanted to share this because I kept thinking, ‘How many people came into the bathroom, heard her crying for hours, didn’t know there were kids, and kept going?’”

Everything happens for a reason they say, and there was a reason why Symone’s flight got delayed. Look on the bright side of things this holiday season – the world might be falling apart, but we made it through another year.