File photo: Student who still lives with her parents couldn’t afford to pay for her family vacation but she refused to babysit as a trade. Picture: Unsplash
A Reddit user has asked if they were being unfair for not paying for their sister's share of a family trip after she refused to help with babysitting.
This was an entire family to-do with her parents, siblings, husband, along with her two children aged 10 and 8 month old baby.
However, the sister didn’t feel the vibe of having to occasionally helping out with the kids on the trip and after: its a baby free zone space for her.
‘’We are planning to stay in a resort for 2 weeks. This will obviously be a bit expensive ($2k per person, about R36 000). Camila is in her last semester of university and will start a full time job on August. Right now she's not working and lives with my parents,’’ the Reddit user wrote.
Ah, the glamorous life of a broke student. Living off of minute noodles every night can get boring real quick. So when your family offers to take you on vacation in exchange for a few baby-sitting shifts, it's like hitting the jackpot! It's practically a luxury vacation.
Hence, she and her husband made the decision to pay for the sister if she would babysit their children on certain occasions. This did not have to be every day, but at least twice a week for two hours for two months.
‘’She would basically be the replacement for our current babysitter,’’ she said. ‘’Camila said that we were manipulating her into doing unpaid labour to us and forcing her to say yes because neither our brother or parents could afford to pay for her.’’
Additionally, she claims her children are pretty well-behaved and require little supervision - so they all say - but sis refused to take care of them in exchange for a family vacation. As a result, she was excluded from the family vacay.
‘’She's incredibly mad at me. But now my mom is also angry with me because she wants to have a family vacation and she knows my husband and I do have the money to pay for Camila, and "family helps family"
It’s safe to say that nothing comes for free, whether its your uncle niece and grandmother from your daddy’s side; it is what it is. Come high or dry.
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