A reddit user shares his ongoing problem they have every time him and his wife go on vacation. Picture: Sonnie Hiles/Unsplash
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about a thousand eye-rolls?
This man is just trying to enjoy holiday away, he has been called upon one too many times to take pictures of his 'gorgeous' wife, and they're ready to throw in the towel (or the camera, as it were).
“Can you take a picture of me over here?” is a oft-repeated request of a “gorgeous” wife while on holiday.
A frustrated spouse becomes tired of being the designated photographer for his stunning partner and has finally reached their breaking point. In the age of instant picture culture, he shared his frustration with a problem he has been dealing with for the past year.
Whenever they go on vacation together, she is constantly asking for "multiple photos" to be taken of her, which the spouse has grown to view with "absolutely disdain“.
According to a post on Reddit, the situation usually goes like this: they arrive at a new location, and the partner immediately demands to have their picture taken. There’s nothing wrong with taking a photo here and there, but what’s the point of going on holiday when you’re stuck having to pose and snap pictures all day long?
‘’But then she berates me if the picture is 'ugly' or if she thinks I made little attempt to take a good picture," he wrote. It then leads to having to take yet another photo, which is then reviewed and the process continues until she’s satisfied.
He further explains that he’s not interested in taking pictures during vacations, especially because he has limited experience travelling internationally. "I like to be in the moment, take in the whole sight, and get lost in my thoughts,’’ he adds.
The spouse is unhappy because taking pictures interrupts their vacation experience and they prefer to simply enjoy the moment. He’s used to taking quick, low-effort pictures, but have recently attempted to take better ones after being criticised by her.
Social media plays a big role in why people feel the need to constantly take pictures to upload them. What happened to living in the moment?
He thinks she’s naturally gorgeous and does not need a perfect picture to remember their vacation.
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