Leap year predictions

Dashina Kalicharan

Dashina Kalicharan

Published Feb 29, 2024


LEAP year occurs on February 29. It is a unique phenomenon that happens every four years. A leap year falls within the Pisces season. In numerology 29 (2 + 9) = 11, which means awakening and spiritual enlightenment. Woman can propose to men in the leap year and it's a good year for tying the knot. Lucky colours: yellow and emerald green.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The leap year is about blessings in disguise. Trust the redirections. The universe is making you strong. You're being given the opportunities and tools you need to make your life easier for the future. Keep an open mind and choose to see things from a different perspective. Invest in yourself.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

This is a powerful time to transcend. It's a time for revelations, awakenings, breakthroughs, soul unions, new purpose and healing. This change comes after what has felt like an emotional roller coaster ride. This is where you find your light. Like a butterfly that breaks free from it’s cocoon.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Sudden changes, redirections, endings and new beginnings can bring about new emotions. Try to ground yourself by meditation or praying. Your ancestors will help you remove any obstacles in your path to help you reach your blessings and new opportunities. Have faith in your journey and stay aligned with your higher purpose.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Your soul is subconsciously seeking for a change. It's time for you to grow. New beginnings are sometimes disguised as painful endings. Take this opportunity to level up, to start fresh and recreate yourself. Allow yourself to detach from your fears. It’s time to move forward. Your angels are waiting to assist you.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The energy around you is changing. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but you are equipped with all that you need for the positive change and shift. The angels are presenting you with unique opportunities that you've never experienced before and this may make you feel nervous. This is the answer to your prayers.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

The unfolding of events is inevitable, as destined by the universe. This is what your soul signed up for and the karma that needs to unfold. Embrace what your soul is willing to embark upon and things will manifest by themselves. Heal and learn the lesson. New doors will open. True purpose has no deadlines.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

What is yours, will come to you soon. The universe is bringing hidden treasures, blessings and good karma. There is a powerful light energy from your ancestors that is protecting you from blocks, obstacles and evildoers. A beautiful time for manifestations and good fortune to usher in a brand-new cycle.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The recent rebirthing you experienced was divinely planned. You went through the hardest lessons. It was a preparation for your new phase. You will enter a cycle full of love, abundance and support from your ancestors. Celebrate yourself on how far you've come on your journey. There will be breakthroughs in your love life.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You are a beautiful soul and deserve to live a beautiful life. During the leap year, there is sacred and supportive divine energy that surrounds you. A perfect time to tune into your intuition and set goals. Embrace this energy to manifest blessings in your life. Your dreams, hopes and wishes will begin to take shape.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The healing angels are sending you love with whatever you are struggling with. Surrender it to the universe. Stay calm, everything will unfold naturally. Trust, heal and grow. Your light team will not let you down. You will be presented with incredible opportunities and blessings in this magical time of the leap year.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Divine timing is at play. Your persistence, determination, prayer and self-belief will bring major breakthroughs. The angels are helping you to heal from deep within. The universe adores you and the ancestors admire you. Never forget that you are an infinite soul of light and deserving of all good things.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

It's your turn, beautiful soul. The angels are bringing opportunities and the magic you need to grow. The possibilities are endless. The universe will be showing you, how much of a blessing you are. You are truly an Earth angel and it's time that you feel how divine you are. Stimulate the mind with learning something new.

Dashina Kalicharan is a psychic, alternative holistic healing and spiritual life coach. She can be reached at 084 447 0102.

Dashina Kalicharan


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