1860 Heritage Centre hosts traditional breakfast

Maya Jagjivan Kalicharan, of the 1860 Heritage Centre, with a plate of delicious breakfast treats in the centre's artifacts room and kitchen display. Picture: Shelley Kjonstad /Independent Newspapers

Maya Jagjivan Kalicharan, of the 1860 Heritage Centre, with a plate of delicious breakfast treats in the centre's artifacts room and kitchen display. Picture: Shelley Kjonstad /Independent Newspapers

Published Feb 29, 2024


As part of its fundraising initiative, the 1860 Heritage Centre is hosting a Heritage Breakfast Festival at the museum in Derby Street, Durban, on March 2 from 9am.

Selvan Naidoo, the curator of the museum, said the aim of the breakfast was to remind people of the food enjoyed by their ancestors.

"Many of the menu items are no longer served today. We hope to revive these traditional meals in the daily menu of contemporary times to honour and remember the resilience and hard work of our ancestry," said Naidoo.

He said: "We invite communities to come out to learn about our rich history and heritage through our conducted tours while enjoying a heritage breakfast."

Among the items on the menu are masala dosa served with sambar and chutney, and katchori chole. The menu and details on pre-ordering and paying for the food can be found on the centre's social media pages.

Naidoo has requested that pre-orders be made to ensure that the vendors supply the correct quantity.

Select your meal preference with your name and surname, and send proof of payment via eft to 072 331 4017 or [email protected].

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