Health and Allied Workers Indaba Trade Union set to appeal administration order

The entrance to the Labour Court in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.

The entrance to the Labour Court in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.

Published Jun 26, 2023


Johannesburg – The Health and Allied Workers Indaba Trade Union (Haitu) has filed an application for leave to appeal the Labour Court’s order granting the Department of Labour the right to place the union under administration.

According to Haitu’s general secretary, Lerato Mthunzi, the union has informed the Department of Labour of its intention to appeal the ruling.

"We have also informed the Department of Labour and the state attorney that we are appealing. What this means is that the union will continue its operations as normal and will continue to be led by the leadership that was elected at the last congress," Mthunzi said.

Last week, the union said it would be investigating the authenticity of a court order that "purported to be a judgment from the Labour Court", claiming the union was already under administration.

The union at the time said the order of the Labour Court (if it is proven to be a genuine order) gives the Department of Labour the right to place Haitu under administration. Gerhard Vosloo has been appointed as the administrator.

Mthunzi said the order comes at a time when Haitu was being considered to join the Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council (PHSDSBC).

"Haitu is on the doorstep of being eligible to join the PHSDSBC, and we do not want to be distracted from the work we need to do. We will intensify the recruitment campaign in order to ensure that by the end of the year, we join the bargaining council.

“As we have said before, the work of defending workers will continue as normal, and our officials are ready to serve the members," she said.

Mthunzi added that the union was the only militant union serving the interests of health workers in the country, and its liquidation would be a big blow to the sector.

"We know that workers are suffering because of the strenuous conditions they are exposed to on a daily basis, and only a revolutionary, fearless union like Haitu can fight for them and defend their rights. We will continue to update our members every step of the way regarding the progress in this matter," she said.

The Star