A man is seen peeing from a moving car left Joburg residents shocked

Published Oct 3, 2023


City of Joburg Speaker Colleen Makhubele expressed outrage and disgust after a man was recorded urinating from a moving car on a public road.

In a video that has been shared and viewed thousands of times on social media platforms TikTok, X, Facebook and WhatsApp, a man sitting behind the driver of a Toyota Avanza, is seen urinating, leaving behind a zig-zag shaped trail of pee on the road.

The unidentified man is seen wiggling his legs as he pees in broad daylight.

The TikTok video by user, Caiveenis, shows the incident being filmed from a car. It shows the passenger of the car in front peeing from the moving vehicle. The car is seen lurching slightly to the side (yellow-lane) before the passenger door is closed.

The witness is in the car behind is heard laughing, suggesting that the driver might have refused to stop the car for the passenger who may have consumed alcohol.

The setting of the incident is unknown but it could have been during peak hour traffic in Johannesburg.

Speaker Makhubele condemned the viral video and act of public indecency.

“Our society has lost all forms of social control and social order and make it very uncomfortable for residents, tourists and investors to take our nation and cities seriously. The video that has gone viral goes to show the criticality of the civic education programme that we have embarked on in an attempt to create a consciousness of social respect and decent co-existence in our shared spaces. The CoJ cannot call itself a World-Class African City when we are failing to create World-Class African law-abiding citizens,“ said Makhubele.

She added:‘’Its examples like these that truly announce the decay of our self expression as humans in this country. We need to develop good citizenship values to run a world class African City.

Makhubele called for the renewal of civic education from early childhood development to regain social order and public decency.

“It’s upon all of us in all spheres of government to start deliberately building World-Class African Citizens and refrain from making jokes out of serious disrespect of public and social ethics,” said Makhubele.

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