Would you use this app to help you ‘get off’ porn

Adult star Riley Steele. In the age of social media and instant gratification porn has become a go to for many men and women. PIcture: Steve Lawrence

Adult star Riley Steele. In the age of social media and instant gratification porn has become a go to for many men and women. PIcture: Steve Lawrence

Published Sep 10, 2022


In the age of social media and instant gratification porn has become a go to for many men and women. But porn can become a debilitating addiction and technology can play a role in helping or adding to the problem.

The REMOJO app was created to essentially help men quit porn, overcome sexual dysfunction, boost self-esteem, build self-discipline and improve their relationships.

According to the creators REMOJO has been a subscription-only app, but from now on the program will be completely free to use.

The aim of the move is to help reach everyone struggling with porn addiction, compulsion or who just wants to live better without it, regardless of ability to pay.

The company hopes to help more students and people in low-income countries especially.

Users can now access the complete system for quitting porn, for free.

That includes the core REMOJO technology, such as blocking porn on mobiles and desktops, controlling apps, progress tracking, accountability, and private, anonymous community.

Users can also also access 10+ courses to help break bad habits, and achieve a state of mental and sexual wellbeing, all from within the app.The app is available on iOS, Android, Windows and Mac.

Users can sign up from the App Store, Play Store or from the website: remojo.com.

It should be noted that the app will also adopt a “pay what you like” model.

Interesting statistics

  • The average age that boys are exposed to porn is 13
  • 39% of college-aged men (15-29) watch porn every single day
  • 19% of college-aged men would be diagnosed or identify as being “addicted”
  • Around 50% of men aged 18-39 do or have suffered from sexual dysfunction

REMOJO statistics

REMOJO has gathered 350 000 installs, up to 50 000 per month

78% of REMOJO users manage to significantly cut down or eliminate porn from their lives

Within 6 months of using the app, 80% of active users have experienced:improved self-discipline and focus, a sense of living in line with their values higher self-esteem.

“We’ve developed a super-effective behaviour change system that we know works. Now we want to focus on achieving the mission of the company. That mission was to help everyone struggling with porn to quit for good, and recover their vitality. We estimate at least 200 million people would love to use our app and experience what it means to live better without porn,” founder and CEO, Jack Jenkins said.

“Now that the app is totally free to use, I’m optimistic that we’ll start reaching many more of those people much faster, and really changing the culture around how we consume porn, bring light to the damage it’s doing to our societies and make it as normal to say “I don’t watch that”, as it is to say I don’t drink, smoke, eat meat or any other conscious decision.”