Johannesburg - We are all spending far more time online now than in recent years due to the pandemic, as work and school shift to an online space.
For parents whose children now have free reign over the internet, this brings a multitude of worries to the surface. What are they viewing? How much time are they spending online? What apps are they using?
In order to help children navigate the web safely, a number of parental protection apps can be activated to steer them in the right direction.
We list five parental protection apps to help children use the internet wisely.
Google Family Link for parents
Free on Google Play
Family Link parental controls app lets you set digital ground rules remotely from your own device to help minors explore online safely. The app will guide you toward teacher-recommended apps on Android that you can add directly to their device, monitor screen time, view their location so you can keep tabs on where they are and even lock their device when it’s time for family time or to help them buckle down with schoolwork. Overall, the app is designed to give parents choices about how their kids use the internet, and encourage conversations about internet use.
Parental Control Kroha
Free on Google Play
Providing the mobile supervision that all parents seek for their children, this app has all the necessary features such as app lock and phone lock, screen time management and GPS tracking. However, it’s also equipped with some other really unique tools too. There’s an eye’s protection mode that protects children’s eyes from intense blue light in the evening and social media chat monitoring so parents can keep an eye on who their kids are speaking to online.
Parental Control Screen Time Website Blocker
Free on Google Play
Cell phones and the internet give children access to a whole new world of online freedom. With this app, parents can help teach their children how to use their devices responsibly by developing a healthy habit of less screen time and more play time. Set up is simple and only requires creating a password and selecting daily limits.
FamilyTime Parental Controls
Free on App Store
Worried about what your children are being exposed to online? With the assistance of this Family Time app, you can restrict adult content like films, TV shows, and apps on your children's iOS devices, block explicit material on iTunes and adult fiction from the iBooks store. It also has some other really cool perks like being able to define speed limits for your teens and know when they go over the limit.