Netanyahu’s Israel owns the US, France and the GNU!

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators with an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu protest near the White House to denounce US President Joe Biden meeting with Netanyahu in Washington, DC, on July 25, 2024. Picture: Matthew Hatcher / AFP

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators with an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu protest near the White House to denounce US President Joe Biden meeting with Netanyahu in Washington, DC, on July 25, 2024. Picture: Matthew Hatcher / AFP

Published Aug 2, 2024


By Ricardo Maarman

In a recent state-visit to the US, Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech to a joint session of the United States Congress.

This was Netanyahu’s fourth such address, and it was indeed a clear demonstration of the power and control Netanyahu wields over the US political system. His speech was met with rapturous applause, much more than I have ever witnessed any American President receive in the United States Congress, before.

One would swear that Netanyahu is the absolute dictator of the USA; scenes reminiscent of a Kim Jong Un speech, in the North Korean legislature.

To standing ovations, Netanyahu made plain his plans for war with Iran and that America will join the war. He sent a warning to those he labelled as useful dupes of Iran. Just like Netanyahu, the Chief Rabbi of South Africa (SA), Rabbi Warren Goldstein recently called the previous ANC government useful dupes of Iran.

Rabbi Goldstein visited the US in March 2024 and addressed AIPAC, where he stated that SA has the potential to become one of the most steadfast allies of Israel; further; he extended an invitation to AIPAC to visit SA. Goldstein said that the then ANC government was a “diplomatic proxy” of Iran. Netanyahu reiterated that any criticism of Israel is anti-semitic: “The outrageous slanders that paint Israel as racist and genocidal are meant to delegitimize Israel, to demonize the Jewish state, and to demonize Jews everywhere.”

Don’t underestimate the weight of Netanyahu’s words.

In Germany, France, and many other EU countries, including Russia, there are strict anti-semitic laws. The Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony featured a bizarre and offensive satirical depiction of the Last Supper. The Last Supper is held sacred amongst the Christian majority of France, yet such mockery was held to be artistic and freedom of speech. Any such depiction offensive to the Jews would have been labelled as anti-semitic and would have been met with criminal prosecution. Let’s not forget the 2012 satirical depictions featured by Charlie Hebdo mocking the Muslims. Anti-semitism seems to be the only limitation to free speech in France, all else is fair game to mockery, criticism, and satire.

The Olympic Opening Ceremony also featured another Christian motif, out of the Book of Revelations, the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse. The Pale Horse is an ominous herald of death and destruction. Let’s not forget that according to the Christian scriptures, the Last Supper preceded the Crucifixion. It is clear that Israel is on a war-path.

Revelations 6:8: “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

Gaza is left in ruins, yet Israel’s lust for blood remains insatiable. The slow but deliberate, choreographed march to further wars in the Middle-East, is hidden in plain sight! Alarmingly, Israel’s bloody tentacles reaches well within SA’s borders, enveloping our political system. The GNU is dominated by a Pro-Israel bloc of political parties, namely the DA, IFP, FF Plus and the PA. South Africans have always wondered why some opposition party leaders had to undergo a “Political Pilgrimage” to Israel to meet with the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog or with Prime Minister of Israel - Benjamin Netanyahu. The ANC has been punished severely for taking the case of genocide against Israel to the ICJ, sentenced to political subordination in the form of the GNU and eventual political death.

On the Pale Horse in the Olympic Opening Ceremony was a ghostly character dressed in black, no doubt emblematic of death. The rider of the Pale Horse was also the “light-bearer”, in Latin, it is Lucifer. Satan is also known as the Morning Star, bringer of the dawn. Remember Ramaphosa called his ascent to power the New Dawn, promising much. Ramaphosa’s promise of a new dawn delivered no peace and prosperity, in hindsight, it seems more like a false promise of the devil! Now the question remains, who was ultimately responsible for the Olympic Opening Ceremony and what does the Last Supper and the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse have to do with the Olympic Games?

The Israel owned US Congress is threatening to issue economic sanctions against SA for its “anti-semitism”, since the then ANC government took a case of genocide against Israel to the ICJ. Remember, SA is currently Grey-listed by the Financial Action Task Force. To compound the squeeze on SA, a Libyan Military training facility has now ostensibly been discovered in Mpumalanga. I fear the ghost of so-called Islamic Terrorism is being resurrected to haunt the people of SA and to scapegoat the South African Muslim community. All this because the ANC government took a case of genocide against Israel to the ICJ in defense of the Palestinians.

Israel has continued its violent brutality against the Palestinians, in fact, Israel has increased its aggression and now seeks to escalate the war in the Middle-East to Lebanon and Iran. Most recently, Israel ostensibly assassinated the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. In all likelihood a tit-for-tat to war, perhaps even the Apocalypse. Is this what the director of the Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony tried to portray?

Will the GNU adopt the same stance as the previous ANC government in response to these violent escalations by Israel? I seriously doubt that it will, I think Rabbi Goldstein was right, the GNU will initially be muted in its response and in time it will become one of Israel’s most steadfast allies. Israel has conquered SA in a silent conquest! The GNU was conceived in Israel!

* Ricardo Maarman, Leader of Azania Peaceful Revolution and author of “The Subversion of South Africa” (available at

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of IOL or Independent Media.