Rachel Kolisi takes up French lessons in Paris

Siya and Rachel Kolisi with their children Nicholas and Keziah at the team hotel on Friday. Photo: Vata Ngobeni

Siya and Rachel Kolisi with their children Nicholas and Keziah at the team hotel on Friday. Photo: Vata Ngobeni

Published Aug 30, 2023


It has been a week of confusion and finding their feet for the Kolisis in Paris.

Since Rachel Kolisi and the kids Nic and Kez made their move to the beautiful city, the past few days have been a whirlwind of adventure.

Aside from getting lost and not being able to read the signs in the grocery store, mama Kolisi wants to improve her stay by learning French.

On day 1 of their stay, Rachel told followers that that she won’t be doing a post every day but there has been a daily post until the most recent one seven days later.

In her latest encounter, Rachel wrote: “It’s been 1 week since our move.

“We were really fortunate to go to London last week and see Siya, watch the game and host our first ever @kolisi_foundation UK fundraiser!

“This week will be our first week staying in Paris while we prepare for school, Nic will be going into “year 4” grade 4 and Kez “year 1” / grade 1. I had to drive Nic to the doctor in the city today (pretty much everything is closed on a Sunday).

“Feeling a bit more confident behind the wheel but still take plenty of wrong turns 🙃

“I did a grocery shop yesterday, I already hate shopping but shopping when everything is in a different language is a whole other level of exhausting!

“I’ve started doing some French lessons on a app @duolingo until we’re a little more settled and I can figure out actual classes.”

The mom of two said she is considering a trip to Disney Land for Nic’s birthday: “It’s also Nics birthday on Sunday so trying to think of a nice way to celebrate considering he hasn’t made friends here yet. Considering a Disney trip 😅

“The other morning I woke up feeling super sad and a bit scared, it kind of comes in waves, it’s the same for the kids, but we try remind each other of all there is to look forward to, and being busy does help - I think.

“Okay, sorry for the essay! Just appreciate those of you who are leaning into this big change and being so supportive, so trying to keep you well updated. Here’s to a great week for us all! 🥂❤️”

We hope the trio has a better week in the mission to adapt to change.

Friend and followers tried to encourage Rachel:

minniedlamini wrote: “You’ve got this”

lesego_tlhabi wrote: “ You’re doing well. And we love reading the essays. Some of us can relate and it makes us feel not alone

oheartofdecor wrote: “God is with you every step of the way, not easy relocating and even harder when the is the language and cultural adjustment, You got this, you are resilient South Africans you have each other and a host of fellow South Africans thinking and praying for you and your family”

kerryintransit wrote: “We on year 1.5 it gets better - but then there’s moments that a tear will just appear ! Take one step at a time ! This is not easy !! But we are South African so we can do anything !!”