6 self-care practices to nurture a positive body image

Taking care of your body has several benefits, including a positive mindset. Picture: Pexels

Taking care of your body has several benefits, including a positive mindset. Picture: Pexels

Published Jul 25, 2024


Getting a dream body is more than just having a flat stomach and well-toned thighs. It’s also about prioritising your overall well-being, from mental health to emotional intelligence.

Marina Klimenka, a wellness expert and visionary co-founder of the face yoga app, Luvly, shares her six essential tips to build healthy relationships with your body:

Clear up your social media feeds

You are in charge of the content you consume on social media. Don’t be shy to unfollow, mute or block all the social media accounts that drain your energy by spreading negativity.

Replace them with influencers, activists, and creators who celebrate diversity and promote self-love instead.

Put your mental health first and create a feed that lifts your spirits instead of dragging you down.

Practise self-compassion

Kindness starts within. Don’t be too hard on yourself and whatever little goal you achieve, always celebrate and don’t forget those positive affirmations.

Engage in enjoyable exercise

Exercise doesn’t always have to be vigorous. Whether you want to dance, swim, practise yoga or climb a mountain, do what you love.

And listen to your body. Try something new if an activity makes you feel worn out and miserable instead of energised and happy.

Nourish your body

Punishing your body with a restrictive diet will do more harm than good because you’ll feel guilty every time you eat something with a little flavour.

You don’t need to cut out your favourite foods and avoid carbs at all costs; you need to tune in to your hunger and fullness signals.

Wear what you love

Clear out your wardrobe of anything that doesn’t fit your body or make you feel good. Then head out for some retail therapy and invest in clothes that make you feel your best – not anybody else.

Snap the real you

Social media is a delusion that makes you believe everyone has clear skin, which is not always the case. It’s okay to take pictures without filters and embrace the real you. You’re beautiful, so be proud of your authenticity.