Jimmy Nevis launches ‘Things We Don’t Talk About’ campaign this Women’s Month

Jimmy Nevis with campaign women. Picture: Samantha Pinto

Jimmy Nevis with campaign women. Picture: Samantha Pinto

Published Aug 10, 2023


In honour of giving women a voice this Women’s Month, Jimmy Nevis is doing his part by giving up his social media platforms to women to tell their stories in a special “Things We Don’t Talk About” campaign.

Nevis said: “I’ve often felt that I couldn’t fully relate to the daily experiences of my female friends and colleagues. I thought giving up my platform for this message was an important way to show support to not only the women in my life, but also to my female fans and the public.

“I want to create spaces where people feel safe and seen.”

He added: “Even through such troubling times, I hope you never forget your power. Women deserve so much more than what they get in this country. I hope this video makes you feel less alone.”

Nevis partnered with an all-female-owned content company, Reel Stories, to produce a series of episodes that will play out for August.

Nidha Narrandes, co-owner and creative director at Reel Stories, said: “This collaboration is close to my heart for obvious reasons.

“When Jimmy released his album ‘Things We Don’t Talk About’, it opened up so many topics of discussion. One being how different rules apply to women, and how we don’t talk about it.

“We just go about our lives accepting that we won’t be paid as much as our male counterparts and that at some point in our lives we will be manhandled.

“Things We Don’t Talk About” Women’s Month campaign. Picture: Samantha Pinto

“Jimmy has the presence and the platform to bring these important issues under the spotlight, and graciously said use my platform, tell the stories that need to be told. Let’s start the conversation. So here we are.

“If we shift one perspective with this campaign, then we have done what we set out to do. There is power in words, it has a way of setting the demons free.

“I hope women talk about what they deal with every day so there is no power left in secrets and bad behaviour is not tolerated any more.”