#PoeticLicence: Betrayal and loyalty are two sides of the same coin

Author and poet Rabbie Serumula. File image.

Author and poet Rabbie Serumula. File image.

Published Apr 30, 2023


Johannesburg - A man who questions nothing is already dead inside.

It is time to open our eyes and see beyond the veil of our emotions.

In the nature of life and death, in the world we can see and the one we cannot, emotions can be a blinding veil that obscures the truth.

Harsh as it sounds, the truth is that every single human is equally capable of the vilest and most horrendous acts, as they are of kindness and love, creating life, taking it, and mutilating the bodies of Nqobizitha Zulu, 5, and Tshiamo Rabanye, 6, who were found 1.4km apart, in the heart of Rockville and White City respectively.

There is black magic in White City, where light and darkness dance a dangerous duet. The mutilated bodies of the boys were found between Rockville and a hard place. It is hard to place where emotions are taking the families when love and war collided, and the souls of their boys were caught in a cosmic rat race.

Nqobizitha translates to conquer your enemies, and Tshiamo means all is well.

But the foes of the Zulu family have won this round, and nothing is well with the Rabanye clan. May they heal. Resentment is a catalyst for continuous negative emotions and can lead to further resentment and conflict. May they learn to forgive and find the same peace their boys are resting in. May they find balance in their heart and mind.

Even though Mother Nature is such a fierce teacher, it is important to learn how to strike a balance between logic and emotions.

While logic may dictate that it’s better to sever ties with someone who has betrayed us, our emotions may lead us to hold onto feelings of loyalty and forgiveness.

On the other hand, our emotions may cause us to overlook logical reasons to end a relationship with someone who has betrayed us.

Betrayal and loyalty are two sides of the same coin, reflecting the complex and often conflicting nature of human relationships. We all have a deep-seated need for connection and belonging, whether it be with strangers or family. A family member of one of the murdered Soweto boys has been arrested as a suspect in the case.

In the context of family, betrayal can be particularly painful and damaging. Family members are often the people we rely on the most for love, support, and understanding. When that trust is broken, it can shatter our sense of identity and security.

But at the same time, family loyalty can be a powerful force that binds us together, even in the face of adversity.

In the context of strangers, we may be more guarded and cautious, but we still have a basic human need for connection and community. But loyalty to strangers can also be a powerful force, inspiring acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity.

Blindly following our emotions can lead us down a dangerous path, while ignoring them completely can leave us feeling dead inside. May the families of the two boys find peace and solace.

The Saturday Star