It's evident residential developments won’t ever cease - Editor's letter

Published Apr 23, 2021


I find it really interesting how one year of a pandemic has shifted so much for us, including how our homes of the future (and in fact new ones being built right now) may look.

One thing’s for sure, according to developers, new builds will now incorporate lessons from the pandemic. They will have areas to work from home and they will also be more pet-friendly.

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These are some of the ways the nationwide lockdown and transformed lifestyles are dictating which property developments come to the fore with developers fast responding to changing demands.

It is heartening also after a dire hard lockdown in which the construction and development industry – mass employers responsible for supporting millions of people and households – came to a jarring halt, to now see cranes out and developments going up. In Sea Point itself, I counted five new developments on a recent drive and I am sure there are more.

Low interest rates have certainly whet the appetite for homeownership. With the rise in developments on the go, it is evident that residential developments won’t ever cease as they are fed by a constant number of new entrants into the market.

I believe developers who offer a good product at a competitive price will continue to do well. All the best to those buying or considering buying new builds, we hope this magazine answers some of your questions and tempts you with some of what is on offer nationally.

Warm regards

Vivian Warby

[email protected]

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