A woman owning property is a big deal in our country

Published Aug 12, 2021


A woman owning property is a big deal in our country. Consider that not too long ago, by law, some women could not inherit family property.

Add to that the multiple other discriminations, including race, that have stood in the way of women investing in bricks and mortar and it’s truly remarkable to see the trajectory favourably changing for us. That’s why we celebrate when we read statistics that show us female ownership of property is on the increase – it’s because we remember where we have come from.

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In Women’s Month, we have more than enough peers to congratulate and whose trail we can follow. We have women such as Agnes Sithole – who successfully challenged an apartheid-era law that denied black women the right to own family property – to thank. And we applaud the younger generation, who are also blazing trails.

Earlier in the year, when we ran an

, within the first hour it got liked and shared on social media by over 120 000 South Africans inspired by her path. She is not a lone ranger in the property acquisition area.

However, often women are brought up in patriarchal households and are not taught how to hustle like a property tycoon. Let’s hope things continue to change. Let’s encourage women to take their rightful place in the property market and the property world. Long gone are the days that we could comfortably call it a man’s world.

Cheers to all the female leaders in property and to the young and old women who are standing on their own two feet and taking control of their future in a positive way. We salute all of you! And where you can help someone by giving advice and encouragement – please do. Let’s create the world we want.

Warm regards

Vivian Warby

[email protected]

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