Watch: Everything you need to know about South Africa's 2-pot retirement system

The pair discuss the implications of this significant legislative change on financial planning and retirement readiness.

The pair discuss the implications of this significant legislative change on financial planning and retirement readiness.

Published Jul 31, 2024


In a video interview which features a conversation between Proffessor Terrence Kommal and Farzana Botha from Sanlam, the two focus on the new two-part retirement system set to launch in South Africa on 1 September.

They discuss the implications of this significant legislative change on financial planning and retirement readiness.

Current Retirement Readiness Issues

Botha highlights that only 20% of South Africans are prepared for retirement, with many facing severe financial strain due to high debt levels. The discussion emphasizes the urgent need for improved financial literacy and planning among individuals.

Overview of the Two-Part Retirement System

The new retirement system allows individuals to access portions of their retirement savings without needing to resign from their jobs, addressing previous limitations that forced many to start anew when changing employment. This change aims to provide greater financial flexibility and support during critical times.

Tax Implications and Long-Term Consequences

Botha elaborates on the potential tax consequences of accessing retirement funds, urging consumers to consider the long-term impact on their savings and future financial security. The conversation underscores the importance of understanding these implications before making withdrawal decisions.

Need for Financial Education

The hosts stress the necessity of enhancing financial education, particularly among younger generations, to facilitate better decision-making regarding retirement planning. They emphasize that breaking the cycle of inadequate preparation is crucial for future financial stability.

Community Engagement and Support

Botha discusses how Sanlam aims to engage consumers through various educational initiatives, including digital platforms and partnerships with influencers, to ensure that people understand the new system and its benefits.

The conversation between Prof. Terrence Kommal and Farzana Botha highlights the significance of the new two-part retirement system in South Africa, emphasizing the need for improved financial planning, education, and community support to navigate the challenges ahead successfully.