Western Cape Premier’s request fails to elicit response from President over load shedding crisis and declaring a State of Disaster

Western Cape Premier Alan Winde during a meeting. Picture: Jason Boud

Western Cape Premier Alan Winde during a meeting. Picture: Jason Boud

Published Jan 29, 2023


Load shedding is ravaging the economy and there is also the risk of food insecurity due to the devastation being brought on the agricultural sector. There is just no urgency being demonstrated by this government -- yet we are on the brink of a humanitarian crisis.

Johannesburg -- THE Western Cape Premier Alan Winde requested a meeting with President Ramaphosa after he missed the deadline to respond to his letter, requesting a national state of disaster to be declared in order to better manage the response to the load shedding crisis.

Earlier this month premier Winde wrote to the President stressing the need for decisive action and gave him a deadline for Friday, January 27 and the President is yet to respond.

Winde said “I will now request a meeting with the President, it is very unfortunate that President Ramaphosa has not at the very least noted my letter. This again shows there is no urgency being demonstrated by his government.”

Winde added “Not only is load shedding ravaging the economy but there is also the risk of food insecurity due to the devastation being brought on the agricultural sector. This has the potential to develop into a humanitarian crisis. Our citizens have every right to be angry at this situation,”

In an attempt for the province to reduce the impact of load shedding, the premier also held a meeting with the Western Cape Energy Council on Friday to receive an update on their efforts so far.

At this meeting, the Premier once again emphasised that urgency is required to stem the economic devastation being caused by the energy crisis not only in the Western Cape province but in South Africa at large.

Winde said “The Council is looking at all options to make the Western Cape more energy resilient and to, over time make it become independent of Eskom,”

Winde added “The Council is looking at this crisis and identifying how to prioritise our responses as a provincial government. Short, medium, and long-term measures, as well as emergency interventions for 2023 were discussed at the energy council meeting to ameliorate load shedding.”

Furthermore, Winde also emphasised to his provincial cabinet that they would have to do everything in their power to solve this problem. The work and plans that the province is going to implement will inform immediate budget discussions and determinations for the Western Cape government’s 2023/24 financial year which begins in April 2023.

“While I welcome the President convening the President’s Coordinating Council (PCC) last week over the energy crisis, I remain deeply concerned over the continued lack of urgency and detailed action being shown by the national government.” said Winde.