WATCH: Cape cobra no match for this speedy squirrel

The Cape cobra can be seen in the video trying numerous times to get a bite of the squirrel, which proved too fast for the serpent. Picture: Dave Pusey.

The Cape cobra can be seen in the video trying numerous times to get a bite of the squirrel, which proved too fast for the serpent. Picture: Dave Pusey.

Published Sep 13, 2022


Durban - Cape cobras are looked upon as fierce creatures capable of administering death with just one venomous bite.

But a recent video proved that the Cape cobra was no match for a squirrel after the two faced off at the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in the Kalahari region.

In fact, the rodent was toying with the snake, showing off its lightning speed that can only properly be seen when the frame speed in the video is slowed down.

Safari guide Dave Pusey, 41, witnessed the fight between the most dangerous cobra on the continent and the squirrel, and shared his experience.

“We had already seen a puff adder on the road, before this sighting, and had seen so many signs of snake activity in the soft sand after some rain, so we weren’t surprised to spot a Cape cobra on the side of the road. However, he seemed to be very tense and ready to strike, and then we noticed the ground squirrel merely inches away from the cobra.

“We couldn’t believe our eyes when this scene unfolded before us, and after initially fearing for the ground squirrel, we were amazed at the bravery and speed of the squirrel and how it was irritating the deadly snake.

“The squirrel kept creeping up to the snake and just as it got close enough, the snake would launch forward and snap a bite at the squirrel. The squirrel, however, reacted much too quickly and jumped out of the reach of the bite every time,” Pusey said.

He said after half an hour or so, the snake slithered into a hole nearby and the squirrel continued about its business.

Pusey said the squirrel was mostly likely a female protecting her young that could have been close by.