Heads up Durban residents, an upgrade to the city’s digital platforms on Sunday could impact your weekend plans

The eThekwini Municipality is powering ahead with the process of rolling over its prepaid electricity token system to the new STS 6 format. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

The eThekwini Municipality is powering ahead with the process of rolling over its prepaid electricity token system to the new STS 6 format. Picture: eThekwini Municipality

Published Sep 8, 2023


You may experience issues uploading prepaid electricity tokens this weekend or filing a report via the eThekwini WhatsApp chatbot this weekend and this is why...

In a short statement on Friday, the eThekwini Municipality said its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) branch will be conducting a system upgrade on Sunday from 10am to 12pm.

As a result, there will be a temporary interruption on all ICT services, including the third-party prepaid electricity vending system and the WhatsApp chatbot.

"While the City understands that this may cause some inconvenience, customers can be assured that this upgrade is essential for ensuring continued security of the system for guaranteed overall efficiency and reliability of services.

"The system upgrade is expected to proceed with minimal disruptions to ensure that downtime is kept to a minimum," the municipality said.

For any urgent queries or concerns during the upgrade period, customers can call the contact centre on 080 311 1111.