Durban mom shares heartbreaking story of losing her daughter, 7, at Umhlanga Beach following a freak wave

Hannah Zoe

Hannah Zoe

Published Jul 11, 2023


A Durban mother shared her heartbreaking story of losing her seven-year-old daughter, Hannah Grace Chetty in a drowning incident at Umhlanga Beach more than a week ago.

Wendy Chetty, from Parlock, said she hoped that by sharing their story, another tragedy could be avoided.

Speaking about the events leading up to her youngest daughter’s death, Chetty said they had celebrated Hannah’s birthday in the park, near the beach.

“We then cut a cake and had a small celebration with immediate family.”

She said after that she decided to take a walk on the shore with her three children, Hannah and her two older children, aged 12 and 14.

“We were all walking along the shoreline with the water barely reaching our ankles.”

She said she then received a call from her husband who requested they head back as the wind picked up.

Chetty said as she turned around to tell her kids it was time to leave, a freak wave washed her off her feet.

Hannah Chetty celebrated with family moments before tragedy struck. Picture: Supplied

“All I could see was my kids being taken by this wave. My husband ran to our rescue and managed to save both the elder kids, but Hannah was taken far in by another freak wave.

“Someone else managed to help me.”

Chetty described watching helplessly as her little girl was taken by a second freak wave.

“Another gentleman ran to me and said he would get her out and he did.

“By this time the paramedics arrived, and we were all on our knees praying to God to save Hannah.

“Every person was praying on the sand.”

Chetty said that despite the paramedics' efforts her daughter was declared dead 45 minutes later.

Now, a heartbroken Chetty said she would like to create awareness about the dangers at that beach.

“There has to be more visible ‘no swimming boards’ and there are also no lifeguards there.

“I would never want this tragedy to befall anyone.”

In another incident in February, a 47-year-old Russian tourist drowned at uMhlanga Beach.

At the time, Shawn Herbst from Netcare 911 said the man and his wife had been swimming in Durban View Park. He got into trouble and got swept in by the current.

“He was finally located by a kitesurfer who brought him back to shore,” he said.

Herbst said the victim had a weak pulse and advanced life support paramedics tried to resuscitate him for over 20 minutes.

“Unfortunately, despite efforts the man passed away on scene,” Herbst said.

The Chetty family have found themselves in financial difficulty and have requested help from the public. If you would like to donate here are the details: