Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo headed the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture. Picture: Timothy Bernard African News Agency (ANA) Archives
Parliament has been left surprised by the remarks by Chief Justice Raymond Zondo over the implementation of the recommendations of the state capture report.
The national legislature said it was shocked that Judge Zondo would launch a public attack on it.
If he had concerns about the report or any matter there were appropriate channels in which he could have raised his concerns.
Judge Zondo was on Thursday addressing a seminar in Pretoria on the post-state capture period. In his address he said he has not seen any of the recommendations of the commission being implemented.
Zondo had also suggested that a permanent commission, similar to the state capture commission, should be established to hold parliamentarians accountable.
But Parliament said it had been left shocked by his conduct when he attacked it.
“We believe that utilising the established channels to address any concerns he may have regarding Parliament's implementation of the commission's recommendations would have been more appropriate. It is not the place of a Chief Justice to make such public remarks unless and until he is required to adjudicate on a matter with impartiality.
“The principle of separation of powers is fundamental to our democracy, and it requires each branch of government to respect the roles and responsibilities of the others. Chief Justice Zondo's public attack on Parliament encroaches on this doctrine,” said Parliament.
It said it has a number of initiatives through its various structures to implement the recommendations of the state capture report.
One of the initiatives taken by Parliament was to look at best international practices on the oversight committee to hold the president accountable.
The national legislature also said it continued to hold ministers accountable through various mechanisms.
“The criticism made by Chief Justice Zondo against Parliament is therefore unfortunate, lacks merit and undermines the principles of separation of powers. As the head of the judiciary, it is essential for the Chief Justice to foster an environment of mutual respect and cooperation,” said parliament.
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