Operative details how she delivered bags of cash to former State Security Minister David Mahlobo



Published May 15, 2021


Johannesburg - A State Security Agency (SSA) operative has testified that she delivered bags of cash on at least three different occasions to the personal home of former State Security Minister David Mahlobo.

The operative, whose identity is withheld and is using the pseudonym Dorothy, testified from an undisclosed location on Friday.

She was questioned about the R28.5 million in cash she withdrew from the SSA for operations between 2014 and 2016.

Dorothy told the Zondo Commission that while she was deployed to Cape Town in February 2017 for the State of the Nation Address, she was instructed by then SSA director-general Arthur Fraser to deliver R1.5 million in cash to the official residence of Mahlobo.

She told the Commission that she approved multiple requests for cash from the SSA, allegedly related to Project Mayibuye, but she "had no knowledge as to where or who or what the money was meant for".

In December 2016, she said she took R4.51 million to Mahlobo’s official residence. She explained that Mahlobo would personally receive the cash, they would count it together in his study and she would leave.

Dorothy also revealed how she collected and delivered arms and ammunition to the then director of special operations, Thulani Dlomo.

Dlomo is accused of being a main instigator in looting the SSA.

Dorothy reported that three of the firearms that she signed out were still missing. This included two R4 rifles and a pistol.

According to Dorothy, she was instructed to sign out the arms and ammunition from the SSA and take it to her home. Once home, Dlomo's "protector" arrived to pick up the arms and ammunition.

She said she did not know what the firearms were to be used for and why she was tasked with the duty of signing for, collecting and delivering them.

When probed, Dorothy told the commission that once word circulated that Dlomo was leaving the SSA, she raised her concerns with then director-general Arthur Fraser.

"Word was circulating that Dlomo was leaving and I was worried that the firearms were signed out in my name," she said.

She said she later found out that all the arms, apart from the three, were returned.

Dorothy told the commission that in February this year she opened a police case at a station in Johannesburg in relation to the missing firearms.

She also told the Commission how more than R2 million from the SSA coffers was given to uMkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans (MKMVA) in 2016.

She said she was personally involved in withdrawing R1 million to cover costs for MK veterans to assist with security and monitor potential disruption at an ANC rally in Rustenburg on January 8 in 2016.

She said this money was used to transport, accommodate and feed the MK veterans during the event. She conducted the withdrawal under the instruction of Dlomo, she said.

When evidence-leader Advocate Paul Pretorius asked why the SAPS was not instructed to offer security and monitoring instead of MK veterans, Dorothy said Dlomo would be better placed to answer as it was his instruction.

In December 2016, R1 850 000 was used to cover stipends, meals, accommodation and transport for MKMVA who participated in the #OccupyLuthuliHouse campaign.

The campaign was spearheaded by certain ANC members to confront those protesting against former president Jacob Zuma’s leadership.