WATCH: A dramatic rescue caught on camera after an Elk calf fell into a river

Image: Supplied

Image: Supplied

Published Apr 11, 2023


Wildlife photographer Hunter Scrimshaw was in for a real treat when he stumbled upon a herd of elk crossing the Bow River near Mount Rundle in Banff, Alberta.

He stopped in his tracks to snap some pics of the majestic creatures when suddenly he heard a loud "CRACK"! One of the adorable elk calves had fallen through the ice. The poor little guy was struggling to keep its head above the frigid water.

Hunter urging someone to call Parks Canada for help while he kept an eye on the calf. Soon after the call, a crew arrived on the scene, and before you knew it, the little calf was safely rescued!

The crews wrapped the tired little guy in fire blankets and after about 20 minutes of rest, he was back on his feet and reunited with his herd along the riverbank.

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