The government has outlined plans to grow the TVET sector to 2.5 million students by 2030. Picture: Supplied
This advanced diploma will serve as a vehicle through which the sector may be grown, as new lecturers and teachers will be prepared to join colleges and most importantly, unqualified lecturers and teachers will become professionally qualified.
Professor Patrick Bean, the executive head at Stadio, said: “At Stadio, our purpose is to empower the nation by widening access to higher education, while our vision is to be a leading higher education provider, offering qualifications aligned with the needs of societies, students, and the world of work – we are satisfied that this qualification feeds into both these aspirations.”
The vocational sector is driven by 50 multi-campus, state-run and more than 200 privately registered Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across South Africa.
“Many believe that one of the best ways of reducing unemployment and improving people’s quality of life is to provide them with practical skills-based learning that prepares them for the world of work and leads to a better paying job,” Neville Rudman, the Programme Coordinator for the AdvDip (TVT) at STADIO School of Education adds.
South Africa’s TVET colleges and vocational schools are crucial in the battle to address the high levels of unemployment and poverty that are prevalent in our country. Their capacity to impact these twin challenges is directly linked to the quality of lecturers and teachers who stand in front of students and learners who want to access the wide range of vocations and trades offered by these institutions. Rudman believes that professionally qualified lecturers and teachers will positively impact the through-put rates at these institutions.
STADIO’s new distance learning Adv Dip (TVT) will be available from June 2022 and graduates of any college or vocational school-linked discipline can enroll, if they have a 360-credit, NQF Level 6 Diploma, or an appropriate 360-credit NQF Level 7, Bachelor's degree. For more information, visit
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