A Hyundai for tough young geeks

Published Jan 11, 2011


Hyundai's Curb concept, revealed at the Detroit Show, was designed purely for the 'Y' generation, particularly those with an urban lifestyle and active night life.

This target audience seeks a car with a rugged exterior so their friends on MyTwitFace will think they're tough, but contrasted with a high-tech interior that will even allow these social networking buddies to follow them around, among many other networking gadgets.

Hyundai designer Jason Brown describes it: "We wanted the Curb to be urban tough without looking like a Brink's truck. City driving was going to be its forte, not crossing the Rubicon trail, but we wanted it to have urban armour for daily driving on city streets. It needed to empower its passengers in this setting."

Inside you'll find Hyundai's advanced Blue Link and vehicle connectivity technology, operated via touch sensors and screens.

Here a large acrylic screen with multiple zones allows information to be passed between passengers all via a touchscreen that appears endless. According to Hyundai, it flows like a river from the gauge cluster to the center stack controls, across the instrument panel and all the way into back seat.

The steering wheel itself is an opaque surface with a monitor showing through. There are also monitors in the back of the headrests and passengers can search for their favourite channel on Pandora.

Drivers are able to navigate their music via a 3D carousel of album cover art as well as view the related cover art for a currently playing track.

The Blue Link Location Sharing feature will send Curb's location to select members of social networking sites. The process starts by adding friend's email addresses to the Blue Link Location Sharing website.

The driver can then let his or her friends know they are in route by sending a Location Sharing message from inside the car. If a friend has accepted the owner's invitation to Location Sharing then that location will show up as a point of interest on the navigation screen.

Ultimately, following your friends on MyTwitFace could become easier than you ever imagined. Would you like to see technology like this in future cars?

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