Hooning biker nailed by his own video

A motorcyclist who filmed himself doing speeds of up to 155mph on roads in Sussex and Hampshire has been jailed, say Sussex Police. Picture: YouTube

A motorcyclist who filmed himself doing speeds of up to 155mph on roads in Sussex and Hampshire has been jailed, say Sussex Police. Picture: YouTube

Published Jan 25, 2016


Selsey, Sussex - This British biker apparently left his brain at home when he went out for a morning's hooning on the back roads of southern England. Not only did he film himself speeding (no, seriously - up to 250km/h), overtaking on double white lines and generally scaring the horses, but he then posted the footage online. Needless to say, the Plod took a dim view. Their comment on this video reads: “A motorcyclist who filmed himself doing speeds of up to 155mph (250km/h) on roads in Sussex and Hampshire has been jailed.” For two years. ‘Nuff said.

Selsey, Sussex - This British biker apparently left his brain at home when he went out for a morning's hooning on the back roads of southern England. Not only did he film himself speeding (no, seriously - up to 250km/h), overtaking on double white lines and generally scaring the horses, but he then posted the footage online. Needless to say, the Plod took a dim view. Their comment on this video reads: “A motorcyclist who filmed himself doing speeds of up to 155mph (250km/h) on roads in Sussex and Hampshire has been jailed.” For two years. ‘Nuff said.

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