Msunduzi Municipality procures new equipment for fire-prone landfill site



Published Feb 2, 2022


DURBAN - THE Msunduzi Municipality says it is making good progress in improving the management of its New England Road Landfill site.

It announced that it has procured new equipment to help it manage the fire-prone landfill site.

This week Msunduzi mayor Mzimkhulu Thebolla handed over new earth moving yellow plant equipment to the landfill site. The new site equipment will assist with the operations at the sites.

Thebolla, in a recorded statement, said the delivery of the equipment is part of their continuing efforts to ensure that the landfill site functions optimally.

“The intention is that we increase our fleet at the New England Road Landfill site to make sure that we are in the position to comply with our licensing conditions but also it is part of our obligation to provide a safe and healthy environment to our communities.

“People will know that for the past two years there has not been a fire at the site. That is because of the improvements that we are doing there. We know there is still a lot of work to be done but this is one of the contributions that we are making,” he said.

He said before the end of the financial year they will be handing over a compactor and “with that we will prolong the lifespan of that landfill site for the benefit of the people of our city”.

The New England Road landfill site has been a subject of complaints in the past few years due to poor management that allowed for people to live on the landfill and led to several fires that led to court action against the municipality.