Tears, tantrums and drama over dog being allowed to attend wedding but not a guest’s naughty toddler

The groomsman was allowed to take his service dog to the wedding, leading to a huge confrontation with a guest suffering ‘main character syndrome’. Picture: wayhomestudio / Freepik

The groomsman was allowed to take his service dog to the wedding, leading to a huge confrontation with a guest suffering ‘main character syndrome’. Picture: wayhomestudio / Freepik

Published 22h ago


Putting together a guest list for a wedding can be tricky - especially if you want to keep it small.

This bride and groom came under fire when they decided to allow a service dog of one of the groomsmen, Mike, to be at their wedding, but a mother, May, wasn’t allowed to bring her toddler.

One of the guests, another groomsman, took to Reddit to share what happened when May confronted the bride.

The incident happened at the wedding rehearsal when May noticed that Mike brought his service dog along.

“When May saw the dog she laughed and said he should do the rehearsal without the dog, because he wouldn't be coming,” he writes.

Mick then told her that he needed the dog and that the groom and bride had already approved him.

May literally screamed “what?!”, which got everyone's attention, especially the bride and groom.

They asked what was going on, and May started going off, saying “my son is more important than some stupid dog, why is he invited but not my kid?!”

The bride tried to talk to her privately so that she could explain, but she just kept shushing the bride and making her upset.

The bride started getting annoyed and said, “I understand you’re upset, but the dog knows how to behave himself, your kid doesn't. We agreed he wouldn’t be attending almost three weeks ago, if you want to be upset about it now, then don't come.”

On the day of the wedding, May did attend, but defiantly decided to take her toddler with her.

Of course, this caused a scene and the groom warned her that if the kid made any kind of ruckus, they would have to leave.

When Mike and the dog arrived, the little boy wanted to pet the dog, but Mike wouldn't allow it and tried to keep the boy away from the dog.

This upset May and she shouted at Mike not to touch her son.

It was at that point that the mother of the bride decided to step in and ask her to leave, saying she would not allow her to ruin her daughter’s special day.

According to the Reddit user, the woman then left with her kid, who at that point was screaming, stomping his feet, and basically throwing a big tantrum about it.

The wedding then proceeded and everyone had a great time.

“I personally think that May was in the wrong, and Mick and the couple were in the right. But I'm so curious to what y'all think about it,” concludes the groomsman.

One person responded, saying: “A service dog is a mandatory accompaniment. A child is not. May has main character syndrome. Sounds like the trash took itself out.”

“I would've made her go home the moment she showed up with her kid. The child doesn't know how to behave because she does not know how to behave. We would no longer be friends, I wouldn't even bother explaining why, automatic ghost,” wrote another.

A third person said: “Good riddance to bad rubbish. The obvious answer is the dog is MUCH more well-trained and behaved than your child. That is why it was invited and not him. And apparently you cannot blame the child for what is obviously your shortcomings and failures as parents and human beings.”

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