Is this bride an a**hole for wanting to photoshop her mother-in-law’s outfit because she didn’t stick to colour scheme?

Bride not happy with her mother-in-law. Picture: Ginger Palmisano/ Pixabay

Bride not happy with her mother-in-law. Picture: Ginger Palmisano/ Pixabay

Published Aug 25, 2022


It can take months to plan a wedding and if you’re a person who’s a stickler for detail, you will plan everything down to the tiniest detail.

While picking a colour scheme might, for some, not be the most difficult part, it’s the following through of that scheme that can become a challenge.

From the decor to the table setting, it can be really impactful when done correctly.

Including your theme on the wedding invitation in the hope that your guests will adhere to it, can be a hit and miss.

But one can surely expect your immediate family to respect your wishes.

This bride was hoping that her parents and in-laws would adhere to the pink and black theme she decided on, but one family member decided not to.

Want to guess which one?

Yes, you guessed it, it was the mother-in-law (MIL). Why is it always the MIL who tries to ruin the bride's day?

Reddit user, @meepx3meep, turned to Reddit to find out if she’s the a**hole for wanting to photoshop her MIL’s outfit after she rocked up at the wedding wearing a purple gown instead of pink or black as per the bride’s request.

“I offered to take my mother-in-law shopping to pick out something to wear but she declined and said she would go with her friends. I said okay and kind of forgot about it. The night of the rehearsal, my mom asks my MIL what she is wearing and she responds with a long dress in the wedding colours,” the bride told Reddit users.

“Next day I am getting ready in the bridal suite And my MIL moseys on up and is wearing a royal purple ball gown. She doesn’t wear make-up that often, and I was shocked to see she was wearing neon blue eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick. Her husband wore a matching tie. I was livid, but ignored it because I didn’t want it to ruin my big day.

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“My FIL (father-in-law) asked me how he looked during pictures and I responded ‘you and MIL stick out like big sore purple thumbs’. He asked what that was supposed to mean, and I told him that they knew the dress code. Now they look out of place. He said he wore what was given to him and would relay the message to my MIL.

“My mother in law approached me later in the night and asked me my issue. I asked her why she lied about her outfit choice. She said she never bought a dress that would go with our wedding colours and planned on wearing the purple dress she found. It was more true to her and that’s what mattered. I said that’s fine, I’ll fix the pictures in post-production. She said I would not adjust anything, they paid for the pictures and I would not alter anything.”

“I said, any picture I post with her in it will be altered on my end, so they have no control of what I do. I excused myself and enjoyed the rest of my wedding,” the ruffled bride said.

If you’re MIL did this to you, would you photoshop her looks?

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