WATCH: Woman rinses bright red dye off at car wash to keep her bathroom clean

Woman rises her hair as car wash. Picture: TikTok

Woman rises her hair as car wash. Picture: TikTok

Published Feb 10, 2021


Dyeing your hair at home can be a really messy affair. I can testify to that after a recent DIY hair dye attempt.

No matter how hard you try to contain the mess, you still find splashes of dye in places you didn’t even know it could reach. Never mind the number of towels and clothing items you ruin in the process.

So when I saw the video of a woman rinsing the hair dye off at a car wash, I completely understood why she would go to such great lengths to keep that mess out of her bathroom.

On Saturday, the woman posted a TikTok video showing how she snuck into a self-service car wash bay to rinse her hair. The video has since gone viral with more than one million likes and thousands of comments.

At the start of the video she mentions that she wanted her hair to look “Midnight Ruby” as shown on the image on the packaging which she holds up to the camera.

Midnight Ruby is the look she was hoping for. Picture: TikTok

The woman, who at that point is a hot mess – red stained hands (clearly she didn’t bother using gloves) and hairline, her white T-shirt a complete write-off and hair still dripping wet – is then seen in the passenger seat telling the driver, her son, that they are off to the car wash.

When they get to the self car wash, they waited for someone else to block the other end so that she won’t be seen. How sneaky is that?

Using a power hose her helper sprays her down, practically blasting the dye out of her hair.

Rather dramatic I’d say, especially since she admits that it’s “40 degrees”, in South Africa that would be an icy 4 degrees Celsius.

But all her trouble paid off as seen in her follow up video where she shows off her new bold ruby hair.

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