The science and benefits behind skincare layering

Skincare layering is a methodical way to care for your skin, ensuring it stays hydrated, protected, and youthful. Picture: Supplied

Skincare layering is a methodical way to care for your skin, ensuring it stays hydrated, protected, and youthful. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 5, 2024


As spring arrives and the temperatures rise, more of our skin begins to show in preparation for summer.

With the change in seasons, it's important to rethink your skincare routine.

If you’re invested in skincare, you might be familiar with the concept of skincare layering. This practice is more than just a trend, it's a systematic approach that can significantly improve your skin’s health.

But what exactly is skincare layering, and why should we consider it for our face?

Let’s explore the process, its benefits, and why it could be the key to healthier skin.

Understanding skincare layering

Skincare expert Nicole Sherwin, and the founder of Eco Diva Natural Superfood Skincare, describes skincare layering as the sequential application of different products, each designed to complement the others and enhance your skin's natural glow, firmness, and overall health.

The routine typically involves cleansing, toning, applying serums, moisturising, and using balms, each layer nourishing the skin with vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Why skincare layering is beneficial

1. Deep hydration

Each layer adds hydration, ensuring moisture is retained at various skin levels. This results in skin that feels plump, supple, and hydrated from within. Proper hydration is crucial to prevent premature ageing, dullness, and irritation.

2. Enhanced skin elasticity

Incorporating nutrient-dense products like superfoods, vitamins, and omegas in your routine helps support collagen production and maintain skin elasticity. Improved elasticity contributes to a more youthful and firm appearance.

3. Cell rejuvenation

Skincare layering allows active ingredients to penetrate deeply, promoting healthy cell turnover. This process helps reduce fine lines, improves texture, and creates a more even complexion.

4. Environmental protection

Layering creates a barrier that not only locks in moisture but also protects the skin from environmental stressors, such as pollution and UV rays.

5. Prevention of product overload

By giving each product time to absorb before applying the next, skincare layering ensures that the skin can fully benefit from each step without becoming clogged or over-sensitive.

Steps to perfecting skincare layering

1. Cleanser

Start with a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, oil, and impurities.

2. Mist/Toner

Apply a hydrating mist or toner to balance your skin’s pH and prepare it for the following steps.

3. Serum

Use a serum enriched with antioxidants, vitamins, and peptides to address specific concerns such as ageing, pigmentation, or dullness.

4. Moisturiser

Seal in the previous layers with a moisturiser to keep your skin soft, smooth, and hydrated.

5. Balm

Finish with a nourishing balm to lock in moisture and provide deep hydration and healing.

6. Sunscreen

Always include sun protection to safeguard your skin from UV damage.

Skincare layering is a methodical way to care for your skin, ensuring it stays hydrated, protected, and youthful.

As you transition into the warmer months, consider adopting this practice to keep your skin healthy and radiant.

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