Spent too much time in the sun? Here are tips on how to relieve sunburn

Too much time in the sun can cause sunburn. Picture: Pexels/Jess Loiterton

Too much time in the sun can cause sunburn. Picture: Pexels/Jess Loiterton

Published Jan 16, 2023


Have you applied sunscreen today?

Whether you’re staying indoors to escape the heat or venturing outdoors to soak up some sun, wearing sunscreen is essential.

For those who are heading off to the beach or intend to spend the day lounging at the pool, best apply that +50 SPF sunscreen. And when you think you’ve applied enough, apply some more.

While this should be common knowledge, there are still people who head on out into the sun in search of the perfect tan. Those who will throw caution to the wind and spend hours lying in the sun to achieve the much-desired golden glow.

But anyone who has ever spent that much time in the sun has at some point been the victim of sunburn. This can happen so easily, especially if you’re in and out of the water and forget to re-apply sunscreen.

Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen. Picture: Pexels/Mikhail Nilov

Not only does sunburn leave terrible marks, think sunglass tans and pesky swimming costume lines, but it’s extremely painful.

Everything that touches burnt skin feels like sandpaper.

Sunburnt skin inevitably peels. And then there’s the itch that you cannot scratch.

It takes a few days to recover from sunburn, but in the meanwhile, there are home remedies to relieve the painful symptoms.

Ease the pain

For pain relief, take a non-prescription pain reliever as soon as possible after getting too much sun.

Cool your skin

This is something you’ll instinctively want to do. Apply to the affected skin a clean towel dampened with cool tap water, or take a cool bath or shower. Try to cool the skin as much as you can during the day.

Apply a moisturiser

An aloe vera lotion or gel or calamine lotion can be soothing. Try cooling the product in the refrigerator before applying it. Avoid products made with alcohol.

Don’t forget to drink lots of water. It’s essential to stay hydrated.

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