Dis-Chem responds after actor Tina Redman reports them to SA Human Rights Commission



Published Mar 16, 2023


On March 9, IOL published an article about local actor Tina Redman, who claimed they were racially profiled at a Dis-Chem store in Neighbourhood Square.

Taking to Twitter, Redman wrote that they were accused of stealing false lashes.

“Just got racially profiled @Dischem Neighbourhood Square – multiple people forcibly took me to the back, frisked me (despite refusing to search my white partner), falsely accused me of stealing fake eyelashes & then refused to show me the footage that apparently incriminated me.”

After an investigation, Dis-Chem issued a statement on the matter.

This comes after Redman took to Twitter to tell their followers that they had reported the company to the South African Human Rights Commission.

“UPDATE: After a week of pushing for accountability from @Dischem, I'm exhausted. Clearly they don't care about black customers & those involved won't face repercussions. They refuse to give a written apology. I have now lodged a complaint with the SA Human Rights Commission.”

The statement from Dis-Chem reads: “On the day in question, the security personnel on duty made decisions and acted upon the information they had at their disposal at the time, which resulted in a search of Ms Redman and her belongings.”

It further states that Dis-Chem has apologised to Redman for the unpleasant experience at one of its stores.

“Dis-Chem takes this issue seriously and said it sincerely regrets any upset or distress that was caused. The company has sincerely apologised to Ms Redman for her unfortunate experience and has formally acknowledged that she was without blame. Dis-Chem has confirmed that it is reviewing its internal training systems and policies to ensure that similar incidents are avoided going forward, and to ensure fairness and courtesy across all customer interactions.”

Some Twitter users have written an open letter to Dis-Chem. Read it below.

— Maselelo Nyathi (@lelo_Nyathi) March 14, 2023