Are you using your concealer correctly? 3 essential tips on how to use concealer

Used correctly concealer can cover up just about any imperfection. Picture: Pexels/George Milton

Used correctly concealer can cover up just about any imperfection. Picture: Pexels/George Milton

Published Nov 29, 2022


No makeup kit is complete without concealer.

We all know that concealer can cover up evidence of a late night, pesky monthly break-outs and any blemishes you wish to hide.

Used correctly it can do the job but when used incorrectly it can actually make matters worse.

You’re not using the correct shade

In the same way that so many people get their foundation colour wrong, the same applies to their concealer.

While foundation shades now come in a much wider range than before, concealer shades are far more limited.

If you’re fair-skinned opt for pink colours, salmon if you’re medium toned and peach and orange if you’re olive or darker in complexion.

Never go more than two shades lighter than your natural skin tone.

Always use the correct shade. Picture: Pexels/Ron Lach

Don’t forget to powder up

Many people tend to skip this vital step, especially when using liquid foundation and concealers. Powder helps to set the concealer and keep it in place all day. The last thing you want is your carefully applied concealer to slide off your face halfway through your day.

Texture is key

Like foundations, concealers come in different textures which offer different types of coverage.

If you have large pores and oily skin, you may want to avoid cream or stick concealers, as they may make your pores look bigger. Look for a liquid concealer instead.

A pencil concealer is great for the nasty pimple that tends to pop up when you least expect it.

Cream concealers are ideal for covering up blemishes.

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