When you need to get really serious about collagen rebuilding you need to think the power of bio-stimulating injectables. When you need to get really serious about collagen rebuilding you need to think the power of bio-stimulating injectables.
The sad truth about collagen – one of the skin’s most important building blocks to keep it young and healthy – is it seems it’s here today and gone tomorrow.
As we age, collagen production slows down. That means there’s less keeping your skin looking amazing.
Translation? Your skin – unfortunately – becomes drier, thinner and less elastic. That beautiful skin bounce you had in your late teens? It’s the kind of plumpness none of us ever minded! Added scoops of collagen powders to smoothies is dedicated work – and certainly part of a sound skincare and health regime. But when you need to get really serious about collagen rebuilding you need to think the power of bio-stimulating injectables like Sculptra.
A slow, steady and sure approach
Bio-stimulation may take time, but it’s slow-release method means it’s restoring what age has taken away – and right where you need it most! With Sculptra, your skin gets a substantial collagen boost as if someone switched on the power to get your collagen production up and running again. And rebuilding these essential proteins that get broken down over time is such a necessary process.
Without collagen, you’re looking at skin that lacks volume (as if it hangs) without a structured silhouette. And then there’s those deep wrinkles. With Sculptra’s slow-release collagen build from the inside out, profound lines that you thought could never be treated will be given the help they need.
Yes, it may not be an instant process, but for up to 24 months you’ll see beautiful results. And all this new collagen means wonderful things for your skin’s scaffolding (it’s inside framework). The collagen is produced exactly where your skin needs it most, deep inside the facial contours.
Sculptra and results: what bio-stimulation can do for your skin
Restoring collagen makes real sense. Not only does it help return what age depletes, but is a long-lasting investment in the management of several skin challenges. Many women struggle with volume loss and skin laxity at a certain stage in skin ageing. And deep wrinkles that haven’t responded to other forms of collagen treatments may need bio-stimulation to help smooth them out. But do consult an expert aesthetic medical doctor before you book.
Genetic issues like keloids, or even if you’re an allergy sufferer, need to be looked at. The skilled team at Skin Renewal are thoroughly trained to investigate your health’s full history, and will always advise the right skin journey for you. Remember, it’s just as important to choosing the best person to get your skin healthy, smooth and youthful as it is to choose the right injectable.
Excited to get your collagen working properly again? With Sculptra the wonders of bio-stimulation let’s your skin reap beautiful rewards over time. It’s all about tapping into the solution-based power of smart non-invasive injectables. Say bye-bye to deep wrinkles and volume loss, and hello to lots more skin saving collagen!
Want to know more? Watch this space as we take a more in depth look at Sculptra next!
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