Single’s Day: Embrace independence and self-discovery and celebrate the joys of being single

Being single can bring happiness. Picture: Jeny Zest / Pexels

Being single can bring happiness. Picture: Jeny Zest / Pexels

Published 17h ago


Saturday, 21 September, is Singles Day and even though being in a relationship can bring one immense joy and happiness, there’s something very liberating about being single.

Too many people believe that being single means that you haven’t found “the one” and that you will remain “on the shelf” as the old folk used to say.

However, many people are now choosing to be single instead of being in a relationship for the sake of being in one.

Being single offers unique benefits that should not be overlooked.

For those who fear being single, here are some of the advantages of going solo.

Personal growth and self-discovery

Without the constant influence of a partner, you have a unique opportunity to delve deeper into your thoughts, feelings, and desires becoming more self-aware.

Being single allows you to make your own decisions and forge your own path without compromise.

You learn to rely on yourself for emotional and practical support, fostering a sense of resilience.

You learn to rely on yourself for emotional and practical support. Picture: Freepik

Freedom and flexibility

You can plan your days and trips without considering anyone else's schedule.

Being single allows you the freedom to pursue your interests and hobbies without feeling obligated to anyone.

You can easily adjust your plans to accommodate unexpected opportunities or challenges.

Focus and productivity

Without the distractions of a relationship, you can concentrate fully on your goals and aspirations.

Being single can alleviate the emotional and logistical stresses that often accompany relationships.

With more time for yourself, you can be more productive in your personal and professional life.

Stronger connections with others

Being single can strengthen your existing friendships as you spend more quality time with loved ones.

Being single can strengthen existing friendships. Picture: Shvetsa / Pexels

You may be more open to meeting new people and forming meaningful relationships.

Single individuals often have stronger connections with their families.

Personal fulfilment

Being single can foster a deeper appreciation for your own company and worth.

You can find joy and fulfilment in your own accomplishments and experiences.

Being single can provide a sense of peace and tranquillity that comes from knowing you are content with yourself.

Embracing your single life can be a rewarding and empowering journey.

IOL Lifestyle