5 tips to achieve the perfect work-life balance

Research has shown that individuals who prioritise work-life balance have higher job satisfaction, less stress, and better mental health. Picture: Pixabay

Research has shown that individuals who prioritise work-life balance have higher job satisfaction, less stress, and better mental health. Picture: Pixabay

Published Jun 13, 2023


Balancing work and life is essential for our overall well-being, but finding that equilibrium can be challenging.

Research has shown that individuals who prioritise work-life balance have higher job satisfaction, less stress, and better mental health.

However, with the rise of technology and the expectation to be constantly connected, it can be difficult to disconnect from work and prioritise personal time.

In fact, a survey by the American Psychological Association found that more than half of working adults feel that they do not have enough time to do the things they enjoy.

How can we find a better balance?

Juggling your work and personal life can feel like an uphill battle, especially for those who are self-employed.

Picture: Eva Bronzini /Pexels

Mentalist Larry Soffer shares some advice on striking a healthy work-life balance, something he says he has achieved with the help of his manager and wife.

Be organised

Soffer has developed a strategy that includes making a list of everything that needs to be done and creating a clear action plan to tackle it.

When tasks are organised, he says, it becomes easier to switch off and relax. Focus on finishing one thing at a time, crossing it off your to-do list. This gives you a clear idea of what awaits you tomorrow.

Make downtime enjoyable

Life is always changing and the demands placed on us increase. Balancing work with marriage, managing a home, and caring for family teaches us the importance of nurturing different aspects of life, says Soffer.

“Planning enjoyable activities during downtime plays a crucial role in detaching from work. When you schedule fun activities with your spouse, friends, or family, you assign more significance to them. This compels you to switch off from work and fully immerse yourself in the moment.”

Find the right energy booster

When it comes to maintaining energy levels, Soffer swears by power naps. A 15- to 20-minute nap leaves you recharged and feeling refreshed, he says.

“I find solace in going for walks after a stressful day, clearing my mind and gaining perspective.”

Know your limits

Don’t take on more work than you can handle.

Know where to draw the line

It is important to identify and establish boundaries with clients, especially difficult ones. Remain professional, even at glamorous events and work-related parties.

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