The mystery of stillbirths

The reason for most stillbirths are unknown

The reason for most stillbirths are unknown

Published Feb 22, 2011


While there is evidence of a strong link between stillbirth and poor growth in the womb, in at least 50 percent of cases the reason for the death of the baby are unknown. Conditions that can cause stillbirth include:

* A genetic physical defect with the baby

* A problem with the placenta, for example, separating from the womb too early

* Pre-eclampsia

* The umbilical cord wrapping around the baby's neck

* Infection during pregnancy

Risk factors

* Having twins or a multiple pregnancy

* Having diabetes, high blood pressure or a blood-clotting disorder

* Being a smoker

* Being obese

Warning signs

* Many stillbirths are preceded by growth restriction or a reduction of foetal movement over a period of 24 hours or more. - Belfast Telegraph

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